
‘Government ignored my advice’, Tamil Nadu Governor Ravi said in the Assembly, know the matter

Tamil Nadu Governor in Legislative Assembly: Tamil Nadu Governor Ravindra Narayan Ravi has given a big statement in the Assembly on Monday. He has said in the Assembly that to show respect for the national anthem, he had made a request that the national anthem be played at the beginning and end of the address. But, the state government has allegedly ignored his advice. Governor Ravi has also said that there are many such messages in this address with which I completely disagree.

He disagrees with the speech prepared by the government

Maintaining his tough stance, Tamil Nadu Governor Ravi has expressed disagreement with the traditional address in the Assembly on factual and moral grounds. The Governor of Tamil Nadu said in the Assembly that giving voice to an address with which he disagrees would be a mockery of the Constitution. Tamil Nadu Governor Ravi, soon after starting his address in the Assembly, concluded it by saying that he disagreed with the address prepared by the government.

His address in the assembly

In the Tamil Nadu Assembly session, Governor RN Ravi says, “My repeated requests and advice to show due respect to the national anthem and play it at the beginning and end of the address have been ignored. There are several passages in the address which I am sure I disagree on factual and moral grounds. It would be a constitutional travesty for me to give them my voice. Therefore, with respect to the House, I conclude my address. I wish this House a meaningful and healthy meeting for the well-being of the people. to be discussed…”

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