
Gorakhpur Zoo may soon get the status of medium zoo, its status will increase due to meeting these standards.

Gorakhpur News: The status of Shaheed Ashfaq Ullah Khan Zoological Park will soon increase. The zoo administration is expressing the possibility that this time it will get the status of medium zoo. Presently the zoo has the recognition of Mini Zoo. To get the status of a medium zoo, a zoo has to fulfill four out of the six standards set by the Central Zoo Authority. Gorakhpur Zoo is fulfilling four out of 6 standards, due to which there is a possibility that Gorakhpur Zoo may get the status of medium zoo. Two years of accreditation of the zoo has been completed. On December 4, a two-member team was sent by the Central Zoo Authority to Gorakhpur Zoo for survey. After this, the team inspected the zoo’s enclosure, construction work, number of visitors, count of wild animals and others for two days, prepared a report and left for Delhi. Now the expectations of the zoo administration have increased. The zoo administration is hopeful that soon Gorakhpur Zoo can get the status of medium zoo from the authority. Zoo’s Veterinary Officer Dr. Yogesh Pratap Singh said that the zoo fulfills four out of six standards set by the Central Zoo Authority. It is given the status of medium zoo. Gorakhpur Zoo is fulfilling four standards. On December 4, on completion of 2 years of recognition, a two-member team from the authority came for survey. The team investigated on many points and brought the report. Everything was fine in the investigation. It is expected that soon the authority will Gorakhpur Zoo will be given the status of medium zoo.

Gorakhpur Zoo fulfilled these standards

According to the Central Zoo Authority, the zoo should be in 35 hectares. Gorakhpur Zoo is spread over 50 hectares. The second standard is that there should be 35 species of wild animals in the zoo. The third standard is that three and a half lakh visitors should have come to the zoo in a year. Gorakhpur Zoo has received 5 lakh 23 thousand visitors in the year 2022 and 7 lakh visitors in the year 2023. Fourth standard: Extinct wild animals should be present.

Gorakhpur Zoo has tigers, one-horned Indian rhinoceros, lion, Himalayan black bear and many other extinct wild animals. According to Gorakhpur Zoo administration, it is behind only in the number of wild animals. The standard set by the Central Wildlife Authority is that the number of wild animals in the zoo should be 350. At present, Gorakhpur Zoo is fulfilling 4 out of 6 standards.

Report – Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur

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