
Gorakhpur Weather Update: Gorakhpur in grip of heat wave, people suffering due to record breaking heat

The scorching heat in Gorakhpur has disturbed the life of the people. The prevailing heat has broken the record of the last 8 years. Out of the first 12 days of the month of June, 8 days have been in the grip of heat wave. In these, the figure of heat wave has been recorded continuously for 7 days. That is, the maximum temperature for 8 days has been beyond 40 degree Celsius. The average maximum temperature has been above four and a half degrees Celsius. The average temperature of June is set at 36.6 degree Celsius. The Meteorological Department considers it a heat wave when the mercury exceeds 40 degrees. According to the Meteorological Department, this is the standard of heat wave.

This kind of heat is lying after 2015. Due to which people are troubled by this scorching heat. According to the meteorologist, in the year 2015, out of the first 12 days, there was heat wave condition for 11 days. This year, from June 6 to 12, that is, for seven consecutive days, the maximum temperature of the city has been meeting the demand of the heatwave. Apart from this, on June 4 also the maximum temperature was in the range of heatwave. According to the meteorologist, the temperature for the next 2 days is also predicted to meet the standard of heat wave.

What did meteorologist Kailash Pandey tell

Meteorologist Kailash Pandey told that in the first 12 days of June, this heat is lying after the year 2015. In 2015, there were 11 out of 12 heat wave days. After that, the figure for the first 12 days of June in any year could not even come close to the figure of 2023. There are 4 years in which there has not been a single heat wave day in the first 12 days of June. In the year 2016, year 2020, year 2021 and year 2022, the citizens did not have to face this city.

In such a situation, this year people will have to be prepared to bear the heat. Meteorologists are telling the reason for this is global warming due to climate change. In such a situation, it is natural for the hot summer days to increase. To avoid the heat, people are leaving their homes less in the afternoon. People are resorting to AC, cooler, fan. People who are going out of their homes in the afternoon. He is taking cold drinks as well as measures to avoid the heat.

Report – Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur

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