
Gorakhpur News: CM listened to the problems of 300 people, ordered housing for the needy.

Gorakhpur: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed the officials to provide accommodation and treatment facilities to every needy as per his requirement. There should be no negligence in filing FIR in criminal cases and promptness should be shown in reining in the land-grabbing bullies and mafias. Go. Always keeping the works of public welfare on priority, the officers should ensure prompt, quality and satisfactory resolution of the problems of every victim. CM Yogi gave these instructions while listening to the problems of the people during the public darshan called at Gorakhnath temple on Friday. In the public darshan organized in front of Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan located in the temple premises, the Chief Minister himself reached the people seated on chairs. Listening to everyone’s problems. He assured that every problem will be resolved. In the public darshan, the Chief Minister listened to the problems of about 300 people. A large number of them were women. During this, a woman told about the problem of housing. On this, the Chief Minister immediately directed the officials that the woman Houses should be provided under PM Awas Yojana or CM Awas Yojana.

Appeal to CM for financial assistance for treatment

Many women had come to the Janata Darshan pleading for financial assistance for the treatment of their family members. Listening to their plight, the Chief Minister assured that there will be no shortage of funds for the treatment. After taking the estimate from the concerned hospital, the Chief Minister’s office completed the process. It should be made available. Assistance amount will be released immediately from the discretionary fund. He directed the officials to complete the estimation process on priority. During this time, the CM also instructed that the officials should ensure making Ayushman Health Card of every needy. . On the complaints of land grabbing in Janta Darshan, he said that strict legal action will be ensured in such cases. During this, while caressing the children who had come with their families, the Chief Minister blessed them and gave them chocolates. He inquired about the well-being of the children and encouraged them to study.

Report: Kumar Pradeep

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