
Gorakhpur: 48 hours have passed since the robbery incident with a bullion businessman, police failed to catch the miscreants.

On December 8, an incident of robbery took place with a bullion businessman near the brick kiln located at Jungle Dumri No. 1 of Gulharia police station area of ​​Gorakhpur. Two miscreants riding a bike had looted Rs 5000 cash, jewelery worth Rs 2 lakh and a bike by pointing a gun at a bullion businessman. Even after 48 hours of the incident with bullion businessman Rajesh Gupta, the police has not been able to reach the miscreants. At present, the police have recovered the bike 1 kilometer ahead of the incident site. On the instructions of SSP Dr. Gaurav Grover, the team of Crime Branch and SOG has started searching for the miscreants. Police have examined the CCTV installed around the incident site. In which a young man is seen coming and going around the shop several times. At present, the police is suspecting that the young man who did the recce may also have a hand in the incident. Even a year ago, the incident of Rajesh being shot inside the shop has not been exposed yet. The victim Rajesh Gupta is a resident of Karamaha old age. He has a shop in the name of Suryansh Jewelers in Singh Katra at Chambal intersection of Jungle Dumri number one of Gulhariha police station area.

In the complaint given to the police by the victim Rajesh Gupta, he has told that on December 8, he was going home after closing the shop. Two miscreants came on a bike near a brick kiln, held them at gunpoint and looted the cash, jewelery and bike kept with them and ran away. He told that the jewelery mortgaged by the customers has to be mortgaged to big moneylenders due to lack of capital. He told that even a year ago, a bullet was fired at him after entering his shop, but that incident has not been exposed yet. The second incident happened to him. He told that after the first incident, he had somehow gathered courage and started the business again, then this second incident happened.

Report – Kumar Pradeep, Gorakhpur

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