
Google offers this free AI course, learn and enhance your talent

Free AI Courses by Google : In this era of Artificial Intelligence, many top tech companies of the world are looking for their future in AI. In such a situation, how could Google, which is among the most popular search engines, remain behind? Google has started offering free AI courses on its platform. With the help of these courses, you will be able to know AI closely, how it works, and how to use AI so that the work is accurate and useful.

The advent of AI in the 21st century has created a stir. AI is prevalent in every field, be it education sector, IT, engineering or medical science, people associated with every field are in need of AI. In such a situation, Google has launched free AI courses, which can prove to be very useful for you. Let us know which are these 5 courses.

Generative AI

You can learn to create new content in Generative AI. In this, everything from generating photos to writing articles is taught. Here you will be told how Generative AI is different from Machine Learning and what types of applications you can enable using Generative AI.

Introduction to Large Language Modules

In this course you will be taught how major language models like GPT-4 work. How do these large language models generate realistic text and images? In this course, you will also be taught how you can control the output with the help of prompt tuning.

Introduction to Responsible AI

In this course you will be told how important ethics is in Artificial Intelligence. How Google implements it in its products and why it is important to follow ethical principles while developing an AI system.

Introduction to Image Generation

In this course you will be taught how AI generates images on its own, how to create images ranging from faces to landscapes or how the quality of a bad photo can be improved.

Encoder-Decoder Architecture

In the Encoder-Decoder Architecture course, you will learn about common machine learning. In this course you will be taught machine translation. How a long paragraph is summarized with the help of AI and how an automatic caption is generated for an image.

Apart from this, Google also offers many other AI courses for free, such as Attention Mechanism, Transformer Models and Burt Model, Create Image Captioning Models and Introduction to Generative AI Studio. With the help of these Google courses, you can improve your work by learning a lot with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

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