
Google Doodle Today: Who was Eunice Newton Foote? Google remembered by making a doodle on the occasion of 204th birthday

Google Doodle Today: Tech giant company Google keeps on publishing various types of doodles on its platform. Often these doodles are related to a particular person or event. Even today Google has released a doodle on its platform. If you open Google on your smartphone/desktop, you will be able to see it on the home page only. In such a situation, if you have also seen this doodle of Google today and curiosity has arisen in your mind that, after all, what is this doodle and on what it is based, then today we are going to give you every information related to this doodle. Let us tell you that today’s doodle is based on American scientist and women’s rights activist Eunice Newton Foote and Google is celebrating her 204th birth anniversary today. But who were they? Let’s know in detail.

Foote was born in Connecticut in 1819

If you are interested in knowing about Eunice Newton Foote, then let us tell you that for the first time, he made a significant contribution to climate science by discovering the greenhouse effect and its role in the warming of the Earth’s climate. Foote was born in Connecticut in 1819, and attended Troy Female Seminary, a school that encouraged students to attend science classes and chemistry laboratories for experiments. From that point on, science became Foote’s lifelong passion. Foote conducted an experiment in 1856 that shaped the understanding of climate change today. This experiment involved placing different types of gases in cylinders and exposing them all to sunlight for observation.

first woman to present physics study

After his experiment, Foote found that carbon dioxide became hotter than other gases. This being so, he concluded that carbon dioxide alone has the ability to change the Earth’s temperature because it has the greatest heating effect on Earth. Due to this happening, her curiosity was aroused and she became the first scientist to discover the relationship between the level of carbon dioxide and the warming of the atmosphere. His second study on atmospheric static electricity was published in the journal Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Not only this, Foote became the first woman scientist to present two physics studies in the United States of America.

Fute’s life was associated with women

After publishing the two studies, Foote’s work was presented by a male scientist at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. As a result, an experiment took place that discovered the meaning and understanding of the ‘Greenhouse Effect’. Foote’s life was also closely related to women. She also spent a lot of time campaigning for women’s rights throughout her life. Foote attended the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls in 1848. During this, she also became the fifth signatory of the Declaration of Sentiments. For information, tell the day it was a document that demanded equality in social and legal status for women.

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