
Good News: More than 800 employees will be permanent in Tata Motors every year, agreement reached

Point to be noted is that Tata Motors There are about 2700 temporary employees, the road map for their permanentization is being prepared. Tata Motors Workers Union President Gurmeet Singh Tote, General Secretary RK Singh and Advisor Praveen Singh are holding continuous talks with Tata Motors Vice President Vishal Badshah, Jamshedpur Plant Head Ravindra Kulkarni, HR Head Mohan Ganta and top officials of the company. Talks have taken place under the supervision of the Labor Department, in which almost a consensus has emerged. Regarding this, Tata Motors Workers Union General Secretary RK Singh said that talks have taken place but we have not reached any conclusion yet. As soon as a positive situation arises, a compromise will be reached. However, sources have informed that its agreement will be reached on Thursday so that it can be announced in the program on 26th January.

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