
Good news…challan of 18 lakh vehicles waived off! Know which state government took the decision and what is the reason?

Uttar Pradesh government Noida It has been decided to waive 17 lakh vehicle challans. This decision will be applicable to challans from April 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021. No application is required to waive the challan. The challan record will be updated on the NIC website. After the challan is waived off, vehicle owners will not have to pay any fine.

Government’s objective behind waiving challan

The objective of the government behind waiving the challan is to provide relief to the people and improve the traffic system. The government believes that by waiving challans, people will be more motivated to follow traffic rules.

Number of challans to be waived off

The number of challans to be waived off in Noida are as follows:

  • Challans made by Assistant Divisional Transport Department: 4,99,999

  • Challans issued by traffic police: 12,89,464

Total: 17,89,463

The following are the reasons behind the decision to waive challan:

  • Providing relief to people: There has been a financial burden on people due to issuing more than 17 lakh challans in Noida. People will get relief by waiving the challan.

  • Improving traffic system: Waiver of challan will motivate people more to follow traffic rules. This will improve the traffic system.

  • Reducing pressure on traffic police: Waiver of challan will reduce pressure on traffic police. With this the police will be able to concentrate on other important tasks.

challan waiver process

No application is required to waive the challan. The challan record will be updated on the NIC website. After the challan is waived off, vehicle owners will not have to pay any fine. In case the challan is waived, vehicle owners should check by visiting their e-challan website. If the challan is waived off, vehicle owners will not have to pay any fine.

Reaction on the decision to waive the challan

People have generally responded positively to the decision to waive the challan. People believe that this decision is a good initiative. This will provide relief to people and the traffic system will improve. Some people believe that waiving off challan will encourage people to violate traffic rules. However, the government believes that waiving challan will motivate people more to follow traffic rules.

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