
Go First: All Go First flights canceled till June 22, know why the company had to take this decision

Go First Flights Cancelled: The economical airline Go First, which is facing economic crisis, has canceled all its flights till 22 June. The company gave this information through its official Twitter handle. Giving information, he issued a statement and has also expressed regret for the cancellation of all flights.

What is the reason after all?

The company issued a statement and told that it had to take this decision due to operational reasons. Explaining further, the company said that, it is with great pain that we inform that due to operational reasons, all scheduled flights of Go First have been canceled till 22 June 2023. We apologize for the inconvenience caused due to the cancellation of flights. In its statement, the company further wrote that, we know that due to the cancellation of flights, your plans made for travel will be affected and therefore we are committed to provide all kinds of help.

The company expressed hope

In a statement issued by the company, he said that he is trying to run the flights smoothly. Explaining further, the company said that, as you all know, the company has given an application to find an immediate solution and resume operations. We will soon be able to take new bookings. In its further statement, the company expressed its gratitude to the customers and said that, we express our gratitude to you for your patience.

This is how you can contact the company

Go First has also issued a helpline number to help its customers. Any affected customer or passenger can contact the customer care number 1800-2100-999. Not only this, if you wish, you can also contact the company by sending an e-mail at feedback@flygofirst.com. The company told its customers that they can contact the company and tell how the company can help them.

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