
Ghaziabad: The groom suffered from dengue and the wedding took place in the hospital, the bride arrived in lehenga and wore the garland.

The marriage of a groom suffering from dengue was organized in a hospital in Ghaziabad. By making a pavilion in the meeting hall of the hospital itself, the bride and groom tied the knot by garlanding each other. The relatives of the bride and groom had offered the hospital management to organize the marriage on an auspicious day. Avinash, a resident of Kondli in Delhi, is a sales officer in a private company, his marriage was fixed with Anuradha, a resident of Faridabad. The wedding date was fixed for 27th November. The girl’s side also booked the banquet hall of Palwal (Haryana) for the wedding. Just four days before the wedding, Avinash got fever. Dengue was confirmed in the investigation. On 25 November, he was admitted to Max Hospital in Vaishali, Ghaziabad. Avinash’s platelets gradually reached 10 thousand. The doctors could not discharge him under any circumstances. Wedding cards had been distributed from both the parties. The pavilion was booked. Preparations for the confection had begun. In such a situation, it was not possible to postpone the marriage. In such a situation, the family members of the boy and girl decided to get married in the hospital itself.

Family members took permission from hospital management

The family members applied to the hospital management to get married there. Ultimately the hospital approved it. The meeting hall of the hospital was prepared like a pavilion. On November 27, Avinash and Anuradha got married in the presence of 10 people from both sides. Avinash filled Anuradha’s demand with vermilion. Both of them garlanded each other. Then he touched the feet of his parents and took blessings. Avinash was in sherwani and Anuradha was in lehenga. Meanwhile, Dr. Ruchi Ranaut, Medical Superintendent of Max Hospital, said that we are committed to not only provide medical care but also provide emotional help to our patients. We stand with them in difficult times. This service is a witness to our dedication and welfare. Avinash is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital.

Married again after five years of divorce

Vijay and Pooja, who separated from each other through divorce five years ago, have reunited with each other after seven rounds. Both of them got married for the first time in 2012. Now again on Sunday they tied the knot in Arya Samaj temple. The reason for both of them coming closer again was Vijay’s heart attack. As soon as Pooja came to know about this, she forgot all the previous things and came running. When both of them met, they forgot their grudges and decided to live together again. The families of both supported them in their decision. Vinay Jaiswal, who lives in Kaushabi in Ghaziabad, is originally from Madiyahu, Jaunpur and works in a private company. He says that on this series of marriage, divorce and re-marriage, he says that their paths had parted ways due to divorce. But there was no bitterness in my mind. After the divorce, both of them had dinner together and talked for a long time about the future. After this both of them parted ways. Pooja Chaudhary had gone to her maternal home in Patna. After this there was no conversation between the two for a long time.

I couldn’t bear my husband’s pain.

Vinay told that he suffered a heart attack on 21 August 2023. Open heart surgery was done. When Pooja got this news, she could not bear the pain and separation from her husband. She came directly to Ghaziabad from Patna. Both met and decided to never separate again. With the consent of both the families, they again garlanded each other on 23 November at the Arya Samaj Temple in Kavinagar. Let us tell you that both of them got married in the year 2012. A few days after the marriage, there was an argument over small matters and the mutual differences escalated. Both of them filed a divorce petition in Ghaziabad Family Court to live separately. It was started by Vinay. After five years of trial, both of them were formally divorced in 2018 following an order of the Supreme Court. Vinay further said that it is normal for husband and wife to quarrel over small matters. In such a situation, one should think carefully before taking a step like divorce. This should be the last option. Both husband and wife suffer due to divorce case. Efforts should be made to resolve the matter through talks. Many times misunderstandings occur. One thing is said and it is understood as something else. There are regrets later, but if divorce happens, it becomes difficult to go back.

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