
GEN Z Talks Impact of social media on the lives of Generation Z

GEN Z Talks

GEN Z Talks: In this special video we discuss about Generation Z and their different lifestyles. Today we have learned how social media is for Gen Zers and how social Generation Z is. Hear new trends and exciting stories from the life of Generation Z. Here are some special questions that need to be discussed. What is the importance of Generation Z using social media and how do they include it in their lives? How have new platforms in the social media environment impacted the lives of Generation Z and what type of change is this? New social media platforms better understand the needs and desires of Generation Z and what they think about it. Why do they use social media apps like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and Linkedin? And which of these apps do they use and which do they not? What new trends are included in social media use? What are the trends and why are they important? New social media platforms are influencing the political, social and economic attitudes of Generation Z. How do they see all these things and what and what effect do they have on them? If you search for careers or opportunities through social media platforms, what are the platforms and how have you used them?

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