
Garhwa: Incessant rains ruined the hard work of farmers, causing huge damage to ripe and harvested crops.

The continuous rains caused by Cyclonic Storm Michong have completely ruined the paddy crop. In fact, due to insufficient rain this year, farmers had arranged for irrigation on their own and did farming. Now, especially the huge loss to the paddy crop has broken the backs of the farmers. The paddy crop which was harvested and left in the fields for rosemary has got spoiled by being submerged in water. Apart from paddy, other crops and vegetables have also been damaged due to this rain. But the most damage has been done to the prepared paddy crops. According to an estimate, about 50 percent of the paddy crop is left in the fields after harvesting.

It rained more than expected

Meteorological Department Krishi Vigyan Kendra had predicted three mm of rain on Thursday. But all the blocks received much more rainfall than this. There was torrential rain in the afternoon in many blocks including the district headquarters. There has been no sunlight for the last four-five days due to clouds. Here it has been raining intermittently since Wednesday. Up to 12 mm rainfall has occurred in many blocks. It was raining till late evening. This has affected the pulses and vegetables including paddy prepared in the fields. According to the Agriculture Department, there is now a possibility of frost hitting the vegetables. This change in weather has caused huge financial loss to the farmers.

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