
Garhwa: Due to 15 mm rain in three days, damage to paddy and vegetables, benefit to Rabi crop, people shivering from cold.

Garhwa district received 15 mm rainfall for three consecutive days. On one hand, the paddy crop prepared or harvested in the field has suffered a lot due to this rain, while Rabi crops are said to be benefiting from it. It was raining intermittently in Garhwa district since Tuesday. During this period the sky remained continuously cloudy. People could not see the sun. There was torrential rain in many areas on Thursday. The biggest impact of this has been on the paddy crop prepared in the fields and kept after cutting in the fields. Besides, this rain has also had an adverse effect on vegetables. Due to rain, hundreds of bales of paddy in the blocks like Kandi, Ketar, Bhavnathpur, Kharondhi etc. have become rotting in the fields. Due to this, farmers have suffered a lot of financial loss. Farmers are very troubled due to this unseasonal rain. They are requesting the government to get it assessed and pay the compensation soon, so that they can make arrangements for further farming. Here, crops like mustard, gram, barley, wheat have benefited from this rain. According to agricultural scientists, Rabi crops will grow more quickly due to this rain. Especially the sown wheat crop and the gram crop grown in the fields have benefited a lot.

Sunshine came out after four days, temperature reached 13 degrees

There was no sunshine in Garhwa district for the last four days. Whereas it rained intermittently for three days. On Friday afternoon, the clouds gradually started clearing and the sun could be seen. As the evening approached, the cold suddenly increased. According to the Meteorological Department, the minimum temperature on Thursday was 18 degrees, but after a day the temperature suddenly fell to 13 degrees on Friday. It was told that the temperature will drop further and rapidly and within a week the temperature will reach 10 degrees.

Paddy crop damaged due to rain

No possibility of rain, advice to complete sowing of winter vegetables

According to the Meteorological Department, there is no possibility of further continuous rain. In view of this, farmers have been advised to complete the sowing of winter vegetables and nurseries. It has been asked to complete the sowing of pea, gram and moong crops after the rains have started. Besides, use of fertilizers and pesticides has also been advised.

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