
Gardening tips: It is important to protect plants from cold waves in winter, take care with these tips

There is an outbreak of insects due to moisture in the winter season. To avoid this, you can use neem leaves. Due to the attack of insects, the growth of plants stops and after a few days they start drying up. Dust should be made from dry neem leaves and sprayed. Also, it should be kept in mind that do not spray it in excessive quantity, because Neem leaves contain high amount of nitrogen which can destroy the plant. Neem dust can be sprayed once or twice a week. There are some ideas for taking care of plants.

Use homemade liquid fertilizer

Liquid fertilizer can be made from neem leaves, which provides essential nutrients to the plants. Also, it does not have any side effects.

Make liquid fertilizer like this

  • If there are more plants then take 250 grams of neem leaves.

  • Also take coconut peels.

  • After peeling the peels of two coconuts, keep them soaked for about 24 hours.

  • Soak them in about 6 liters of water.

  • After 24 hours, remove the coconut peels and keep its water.

  • After soaking the neem leaves for 24 hours, separate the water.

  • Cook the neem leaves on low flame for 10 minutes.

  • After cooking, crush the leaves and make it liquid with water.

  • Mix coconut peel water in it.

  • Now your liquid fertilizer is ready.

  • Plants can be sprayed twice a week.

  • This soil can also be dug and poured.

Plants will grow

The growth of plants is less in the winter season. In such a situation, mustard cake can be used. You can get mustard cake from mill. It can be used twice a week. Due to this the plants become green and growth is also good.

use of mustard cake

  • Mustard cake will have to be soaked in water for at least two days.

  • After this, take out the soaked cake from the water and leave it in a ventilated place for 30 minutes. There should also be some sunlight.

  • Take the same amount of garden soil as there is cake and mix mustard cake in it well.

  • Put it in the pot once in 2 weeks. There will be good growth in plants.

keep plants indoors

To protect the plants from excessive frost during the winter season, keep the pots indoors and whenever it is sunny, bring them out and expose them to sunlight. In this way your plants will be saved from getting destroyed during the winter season. If it is not possible to take the plants inside the house, cover them with plastic sheet or tarpaulin.

Do not overwater

During the winter season, plants keep getting moisture from the atmosphere. Therefore, there is no need for more weeding in this season. If necessary, you can water the pot once in two or three days according to the nature of the plants. Plants may die if too much water is used.

Protection from strong wind and rain is necessary

In winter season the air is dry and less humid, which is not favorable for plants. In such a situation they have to be saved. Therefore, keep them in a place where there is not much wind. It is necessary to protect them from strong wind. In places where there is heavy rainfall during the winter season, keep the plants in pots or containers at a place where water cannot accumulate in them. Due to waterlogging in the pot, the roots of the plants can rot. Therefore, do not allow water to accumulate in the pot. The plant is prone to diseases like root rot.

Harvesting equipment should be sterilized

While pruning plants in the winter season, keep in mind that the instruments used for this should be sterilized. Because if this is not done, there may be an outbreak of fungus on the cut area. Such parts of the plants can get infected due to which they can get damaged.

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