
G20 Meeting: G20 meeting starts in Indore from today, policy will be made on employment and social security

G20 meeting: G-20 meeting started today in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. It is being told that the purpose of this last meeting of the G20 is being held to find solutions to the current global challenges in the fields of labour, employment and social security of personnel. Vigorous preparations have been made at every level for this meeting of the Employment Working Group. Officials said that this two-day meeting will give final shape to the cabinet declaration and outcome documents (draft) by emphasizing the efforts of the last three meetings of EWG held in Jodhpur, Guwahati and Geneva. 86 delegates are participating in this meeting.

In the fourth meeting of the EWG in Indore, India’s cleanest city, officials said that the economy involving freelance temporary work and workers (gig and platform workers) working on online platforms, benefits of social security schemes to both categories of workers. And the discussions held in the last three meetings on topics such as providing sustainable funding to social security programs will be finalised. Aarti Ahuja, Secretary, Ministry of Labor and Employment of India, is the chairperson of the EWG of G20. He told on Tuesday on the eve of the fourth and final meeting of the EWG that we are trying through the G20 that the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) should be given the responsibility of preparing a blueprint. This blueprint will focus on what kind of skilled people are lacking in different countries of the world and what skills people need to learn to overcome this shortage.

Aarti Ahuja said that there will be a meeting of her counterparts from the G20 group of countries on Thursday and Friday under the chairmanship of India’s Labor and Employment Minister Bhupendra Yadav. In this gathering of labor and employment ministers, the adoption of the fixed draft of the EWG will be discussed. Officials said that about 165 guests will participate in different sessions of the three-day G20 meeting in Indore, including representatives of 20 nations of this group and nine invited countries, as well as officials of global organizations of labor, employment and social security. Are.

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