
G 20 Summit: Big hotels of Delhi are ready to stop attacks like Mumbai, made special warehouse of weapons

India, the world’s largest democracy G20 summit ready for. The summit will be held on 9 and 10 September at Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. For this, guests have started arriving. US President Joe Biden, British PM Rishi Sunak will reach New Delhi on 8 September. Along with their welcome, security arrangements have been made in Delhi’s 5 Star hotels for safety.

Special preparations to prevent terrorist attacks like Mumbai attack

A special warehouse of arms and ammunition has been created in every hotel so that any terrorist incident like the Mumbai attack of 26 November 2008 can be prevented. If there is a terrorist attack during the summit, special ammunition warehouses have been created to overcome the shortage of arms and ammunition. These arrangements have been made by intelligence agencies.

What is the motive behind building these store houses?

The objective behind building these store houses is clear so that in any unexpected situation the commandos do not fall short of bullets and ammunition to take on the terrorists. In these stores, along with loaded magazines, medical supplies, stun and smoke grenades, wireless set chargers, a platoon of commandos will also be present for back up. Times of India, quoting sources, has reported that the purpose of warehouse of weapons and backup in hotels is to prevent recurrence of incidents like Mumbai attacks. An intelligence officer said that during the Mumbai attacks, the commandos faced shortage of arms and ammunition, which gave the terrorists more time.

After the opinion of retired military officers, preparations were made to build an arms warehouse.

Let us tell you that all the big leaders of the world are participating in the G 20 Summit, retired military officers have given their opinion regarding how to maintain security in such a VVIP movement. This opinion is based on experiences related to Mumbai attacks and will be implemented in the summit. The officer said that preparations for maintaining tight security arrangements at the summit have been going on for several months. During this time, a high level meeting was held in Lutyens’ Delhi, in which a plan was made to keep backup along with warehouse of weapons in hotels. It was decided in the meeting that commandos would be deployed for security in the hotels and they would also be provided backup of all military equipment to deal with any untoward situation.

In case of terrorist attack, ammunition will continue to reach the commandos.

This means that if there is any terrorist attack, the supply team will continue to provide help with bullets, ammunition etc. to the commandos deployed in security. They will not have to wander due to lack of bullets or other military equipment. This will help in completing the operation without losing time.

Drones deployed on the roof of all hotels

Along with the warehouse of weapons, anti-drone mechanism is also included in the plan. Drones have been deployed on the rooftops of all the hotels, which will keep an eye on every nook and corner there with cameras. Pragati Maidan can also be declared a no fly zone during the summit.

Foreign security agencies as well as IB and RAW alerts

There are about 16 big hotels in Delhi where arrangements have been made for big leaders to stay. Many mock drills have been conducted regarding the security arrangements of these hotels. Commanders are posted in every hotel, who are in touch with foreign security agencies as well as IB and RAW.

After several rounds of verification, getting entry in the hotel

Only those who are allowed to come and go are able to enter the hotel. The verification of the hotel staff is being done in several rounds. Separate staff has been deployed on each floor of the hotels. Three rooms are booked in every hotel for police and security personnel. Two rooms have been converted into security control rooms. Venu Commander is handling its responsibility.

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