
From G-20, PM Modi gave a big message to the world including the expansion of UNSC, said- there is a need for reform in global institutions.

President Emmanuel Macron praised PM Modi

After his lunch meeting with Prime Minister Modi, French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters that considering the current divided environment, India has performed well as the G20 chair. In a future session of the G20 summit, PM Modi said, ‘It is important that global bodies should reflect the realities of today to lead the world towards a better future.’ He said that when the United Nations was established with 51 members, the world was different and now the number of member countries has increased to about 200. PM Modi said, ‘Despite this, the number of permanent members in UNSC is still the same. From then till today the world has changed a lot in every respect. Be it transport, communication, health, education, every sector has been transformed. These new realities must be reflected in our new global structure.

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