
Freckles have stolen your beauty, these home remedies will bring back your beauty.

some home remedies

Freckles, also called pigmentation, make your face look blemished. No matter how much cream is applied to lighten it, the result is not visible. In such a situation, there are some home remedies which face glow Can be returned.

Going without sunscreen increases freckles

Once freckles appear, it becomes a little difficult to remove them. They become more visible in sunlight. Going in the sun without sunscreen increases freckles.

Sun protection measures

You can reduce freckles by adopting sun protection measures. Cover your face and other open areas with clothes. Also don’t forget to apply good sunscreen

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar removes freckles and makes your face spotless. The malic acid present in it removes the dark spots of the skin.


Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants which reduce melanin production and lighten freckles.


Apart from being beneficial for health, turmeric is also a great beauty product. It contains curcumin which prevents the accumulation of melanin in the skin which causes freckles.

Badam oil

Almond oil is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin E. It nourishes your skin. And works like a skin tonic and makes the face flawless.

Aloe Vera

Aloesin present in Aloe Vera prevents the damage of sunburn. It increases metallothionein production in the skin. and reduces pigmentation


Buttermilk is easily available in all of our homes. It can be used to remove freckles. The lactic acid present in it lightens the freckles.

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