
Forcibly put vermilion on the widow’s request, shaved her hair and took her around the village, also tried to do dirty work

In a country where a large number of women are included in the team of scientists uncovering the secrets of the Moon and the Sun, the news of shaving a widow’s hair and making her drink filth in the name of a witch is shocking. Such reports show that a section of the society is keeping pace with scientific thinking, but a large section is not aware. To ensure that such news does not come, the initiative should come from the society itself.

forcibly put vermilion on widow’s demand

In a village of Karja police station area of ​​Madhubani district of Bihar, a case of forcibly applying vermilion on a widow and shaving her hair and taking her around the village has come to light. In this regard, the victim has filed an application at Karja police station and registered a case against eight people. The police have arrested one accused and sent him to jail. The accused is the woman’s cousin and father-in-law. It has been said in the application that on October 20, her cousin father-in-law from the same village forcibly put vermilion in her hair. When he protested, the accused beat him up. He was ordered to leave the village. When she did not leave the village, the accused shaved her hair and paraded her around the village. The mother-in-law who went to save her was also beaten.

The mother-in-law was also harassed and an order was issued to leave the village. It is said that the person who applies vermilion is the widow’s cousin and father-in-law. The villagers also shaved the hair of the woman’s cousin father-in-law and took both of them around the village together. When the police got information about this, many villagers left their homes and ran away. Police Station Head Rajesh Kumar Rakesh said that one accused has been arrested and sent to judicial custody. Raids are being conducted to arrest others.

Woman accused of being a witch beaten, tried to make her drink feces

Deoriakothi. In a village of Deoria police station area, a woman was beaten after accusing her of being a witch due to which her hand was broken. After this an attempt was made to make him drink dirty food. After treating the injured woman at Paru PHC, the doctors referred her to Sadar Hospital. The incident happened on Wednesday. After returning home after treatment, the injured woman lodged an FIR in the police station on Thursday.

It has been said in the FIR that neighbors Chanchala Kumari, Manju Devi, Rajesh Thakur, Harishankar Thakur and Sunita Sharma entered my house abusing and abusing me with sticks, sticks and rods, accusing me of being a witch. Everyone started beating me. Police station incharge Saroj Kumar said that all the accused will be arrested in the case.

Woman beaten after accusing her of being a witch, condition critical

In a village of Rampurhari police station area, a woman was accused of being a witch and beaten severely by her cousin mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law. Local people admitted him to SKMCH. The woman has suffered serious head injury. The woman has recorded her statement in the medical TOP. In this he has accused his cousin father-in-law Shivchandra Ram, cousin mother-in-law Manju Devi, sister-in-law Ritu Kumari. Medical TOP in-charge Vijay Prasad said that a copy of the statement has been sent to the concerned police station.

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