
For the first time in June, heatwave conditions for 15 consecutive days, why is there a delay in the arrival of monsoon, know the reason…

A state in Eastern India: The climate has reached the danger zone. In North Bihar, for the first time in the month of June, heatwave conditions have prevailed for 15 consecutive days. Never before had people faced such extreme heat during the monsoon time period. Dr. AK Sattar, the senior scientist of RAU Pusa’s Agriculture and Meteorological Department, himself is saying these things. He told that the reason for the continuous heatwave is the monsoon not coming on time. Especially in the districts of North Bihar, there was no rain even under pre-monsoon. On the other hand, on June 12, even after entering the monsoon, it stopped. In this case, he told that the atmosphere here is also not supporting the monsoon. This is the reason why the monsoon is shrinking. On the other hand, the senior scientist told that the monsoon has also been affected due to cyclone Biperjoy. Due to such dangerous heatwave, the difficulties of most of the farmers along with the common people have increased. The senior scientist told that in the prevailing situation, the farmers will have to add weather-based farming.

Planting trees and controlling pollution is the only solution

Trees are being cut indiscriminately in the name of all-round concrete jungle and infrastructure development. This is the reason that the environment has become unbalanced and has reached the dangerous zone. To control this, there is a need to work on many different points. But the beginning has to be made by planting trees. Also, the solution is possible only by controlling pollution. It was told that there are two main reasons for the imbalance of the environment. One is increasing population and the other is increasing human needs. Both of these have an impact on natural resources, and their carrying capacity is continuously decreasing. The felling of trees, mining of land, misuse of water and pollution of the atmosphere have posed serious threats to the environment.

Why Telangana number 1 in environmental protection

After the survey conducted by the Center for Science and Environment, recently Telangana has been placed at number-1 in the direction of environmental protection at the country level. Continuous work is being done on the environment here. Need to learn from here. According to the report of the Center for Science and Environment, about 273 crore saplings were planted in Telangana in the last nine years. Due to this, the forest area increased from 19,854 sq km in 2015-16 to 26,969 sq km in 2023. Which is 24.06 percent of the geographical area of ​​the state. In addition, the state’s solar power generation increased from 74 MW in 2014 to 5,865 MW. Which indicates significant progress towards clean energy sources. The survey is conducted on various aspects of the environment including climate and extreme weather, health, food and nutrition, migration and displacement, agriculture, energy, waste, water and biodiversity.

Air pollution is taking away people’s lives

Air pollution is snatching the lives of people on an average of 4 years and 11 months. This claim has been made by the Center for Science. Recently a report has also been released on this. According to the report, it has an impact on people in urban as well as rural areas.

pollution is affecting like this

  • The life of 22 percent people is reduced by more than seven years on average.

  • The life of 30 percent people is being reduced by an average of one to three years.

  • The life of 25 percent is getting reduced by an average of three to five years.

  • The life of 21 percent people is getting reduced by five to seven years.

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