
For slim figure, include sprouted grains in daily diet, immunity will increase with nutrition.

Benefits of Sprouts

Vitamin C, E and B complex in sprouted grains

Sprouted grains which include moong, gram and soybean seeds are very good nutritious and disease resistant food. Such diets are no less than a medicine for health. Tasty sprouted grains are a very nutritious and natural food. By consuming it, the body gets less calories and it helps in controlling body weight. Vitamin C, E and B complex are found in sprouted grains. Vitamin K can also be produced in sprouted grains when they get sunlight during the process of germination. Magnesium, iron, fiber, active enzymes and digestible proteins are found in sprouted grains. The properties of anti-oxidants in sprouted grains increase immunity.

germination process

When the process of germination starts, the process of formation of enzymes inside the seed also starts simultaneously. Enzymes help in converting proteins into amino acids, combined carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates and fats into elemental form. Along with the process, vitamins and other nutritious elements start being produced.

Let the seeds soak in water for 11-12 hours

Let peanuts, moong, soybean, gram, peas, wheat soak in water for about 11-12 hours. The amount of water should be twice the amount of seeds. Broken and spoiled seeds should be selected and thrown out. The seeds should be washed two-three times with clean water. After washing, tie the seeds in a clean wet cloth and hang it somewhere in the house. If the cloth starts drying then water should be sprinkled on it from time to time. These seeds germinate in two to 3 days.

Why is it beneficial to eat sprouted seeds?

Why is it beneficial to eat sprouted seeds instead of soaked and swollen seeds? If such a question comes to the mind of all of us, then first it is important to know that when the seeds are sown in the soil, till the time the roots are not formed, the work of nutrition of the seeds is completed only by the nutrients present inside them. Therefore, all the nutrients present in the germinated seeds are available. However, a person suffering from gas should consume sprouted moong grains instead of coarse grains.

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