
Foods Banned Around the World: From samosa to sauce, these food items are banned in these countries

Foods Banned Around the World

chewing gum

Singapore is one of the hyper clean and hyper strict countries of the Asian continent. This country is also known worldwide for its food laws. There is a ban on eating chewing gum here. Although chewing gum is available in the grocery shops here, but you can buy it here. You can buy it only when the doctor has prescribed it to you.

Foods Banned Around the World


Spicy potato mixture, triangular shaped samosa inside flour, chutney and a cup of tea can make your day. Crispy from outside and potato filling from inside is enough to satisfy your cravings. Let us tell you that samosa is completely banned in the country of Somalia.

Foods Banned Around the World


In India, people have been consuming Chyawanprash since winter. But, according to reports, it was banned in Canada in 2005 due to the high amount of lead and mercury in it.

Foods Banned Around the World

Kinder Joy

When Kinder Joy’s advertisement comes on TV, children start insisting their parents to buy it. But Kinder Joy is banned in the United States. Actually, the government there does not support plastic. Especially children. Food items are packed with great care in this country.

Foods Banned Around the World


French fries are famous all over the world. But the pleasure of eating them is only when there is ketchup with it. But the surprising thing is that this famous dish of France cannot be eaten with ketchup in France itself. Especially in France. Ketchup has been banned in schools because only the traditional cuisine of France is promoted in the schools here.

Foods Banned Around the World


Even though people in India like to eat ghee, ghee has been banned in America because according to them there is a danger of it causing diseases like high blood pressure and obesity.

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