
Food wastage is worrying

The United Nations has recently released a report regarding food wastage. According to the report, about one billion plates are wasted every day in the world, which means every person wastes an average of 79 kg of food in a year. Which is a matter of concern. It is also believed that about 30 percent of the total produce in the world is wasted. The amount of food wasted in the United States alone could meet the food needs of sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, the food shortage in Ethiopia can be caused by the destruction in Italy. This food waste contributes to one-third of total greenhouse gas emissions. The report also discusses the impacts of greenhouse gases emitted due to food waste on climate change, the environment and nutrition. This is a very important aspect, because along with food security, there is also talk of saving the environment.

Along with the above discussion we also need to know about the availability of food items in the world. Currently, there are about 7.8 billion people in the world, which is expected to reach nine billion by 2050 and the production in the world is enough for 14 billion people. This means that today we are producing double our needs. It is a different matter that one part of the society has more of it available, while the other is struggling with its shortage. While 30 percent of children are obese, 12 percent of the world’s population does not have access to enough food. After understanding this, we will have to make two efforts to solve this problem.

First, in view of the deteriorating environment of the world, we should put less emphasis on growing crops and second, try to prevent wastage of food. With this we can immediately meet the needs of the world. In this way, wastage of food will also be reduced and we will not have to produce more than required. Here another revolution is needed like the Green Revolution. Just as we brought green revolution, there is a need to bring a revolution to stop food wastage. If this revolution happens then the damage caused to the earth, environment, natural resources, bio-diversity, forest land, all can be reduced. All countries will have to participate in this work, especially the developing countries, because there is more damage being caused here.

The report also states that 60 percent of the food wastage occurs at the household level and 13 percent occurs in the supply chain. The least wastage occurs in retail, i.e. shops. The report also mentions the lowest wastage of food in rural areas. The reason for this is our religion, which tells us to take care of our food as well as that of animals and birds. In fact, when we talk about food security, it includes humans as well as animals and birds. In villages, people also ensure food security of cows, dogs, birds etc. along with humans. Not only this, here even the leftover food including the uneaten parts of the food items is not wasted, rather they are composted. In such a situation, we need to learn from rural areas to stop wastage of food.

There is no mention of feeding animals and birds in the mentality of cities. In fact, in villages the relationship between humans and animals is close. It is also said that poor people waste food, which is not true. The destruction is done by those who live in cities and are educated. The poor and rural people are saving themselves. The report also discusses the success achieved by the G-20 countries (Australia, Japan, UK, USA) and the European Union in preventing food wastage at the domestic level. Canada and Saudi Arabia have also achieved good success in this matter. Rest of the countries still need to take important steps in this direction.

Apart from these things, it is important to discuss some more important things here. First of all, it is said here that 40 percent of the country’s food gets wasted. The same thing was said thirty years ago and the same thing is being said even today. But no one knows what is the basis of this assessment. A study conducted on food wastage in India by CIFET (CIPHET), an institute of ICAR based in Ludhiana, has revealed that the least loss in storage of food grains is of paddy and wheat. The maximum wastage is of fruits and vegetables. In this too, some fruits like guava suffer the most damage because birds eat them a lot.

Similarly, tomatoes also get wasted a lot. This shows that the figure of 40 percent in our country is wrong. Secondly, to prevent destruction in cities, attention will also have to be paid to increasing awareness. In this, the role of media and the role of celebrities – especially film stars and cricketers – is very important. They should make the society aware about how to save food from getting wasted. As far as the government is concerned, it talks about stopping food wastage in its policies, but it needs to pay attention to other wastage also. Wastage of food items occurs in two ways. One who got wasted after eating the food. Secondly, there is a need to take steps to stop the wastage that occurs in the supply chain.

Thirdly, not only is waste generated due to wastage of food items during processing, the packets in which these items are kept for sale also generate waste. Which are not paid attention to. No concrete steps have been taken yet on how to stop them. Overall, the United Nations has given this warning at the right time. I think we should change our policies, especially regarding nutrition security, food security and climate change. Finally, we do not need to emphasize on increasing production. If we save the crops we are producing today, there will be no need for a second Green Revolution.
(These are the personal views of the author.)

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