
Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: If you want to avoid diseases in the rainy season, then avoid these foods, know the reason

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season:The rainy season provides respite from the scorching heat. However, it also brings with it some health risks due to the increased humidity and presence of water borne infections. If you want to stay healthy even in the rains and avoid infection, then it is important to pay attention to your nutrition in this season. It is important to make wise decisions and put food safety first throughout the rainy season.

Monsoon 2023: Common diseases during monsoon

As the monsoon draws closer, the change in climate is expected to bring much respite from the heat, but it can also bring with it various diseases. Since your metabolism slows down during the rainy season, digestive issues including gas, acidity, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, cramps, constipation, gastritis and gut sensitivity are more likely to occur. Avoiding some foods is necessary to avoid the infection occurring during the rainy season.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Street Food

Street food can be tempting, but it is advised to avoid eating street food when it rains. Due to the persistent lack of hygiene conditions and access to clean water, street food vendors often expose their products to pollution. Consumption of such food increases the chances of food poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Leafy Vegetable Vegetables

Although leafy vegetables are generally good for you, you should be careful while consuming them during the rainy season. Many pollutants and impurities can get on the leaves through rainwater and soil. These pollutants can lead to infections and digestive problems. Use properly cleaned and cooked vegetables to reduce the risk.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Salad

Many people like raw salad with ingredients like lettuce, cucumber or sprouts. However, it is advised to avoid raw salads during the rainy season as they may contain dangerous germs or parasites that prefer moist environments. To ensure food safety, choose boiled or parboiled vegetables instead.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Oily and fried food

It is difficult to avoid comfort food like deep fried appetizers, pakoras and samosas during rainy days. However, such meals are heavy, challenging to digest and can cause gastrointestinal problems. Excessive oil content can also upset the digestive system and increase the risk of foodborne infections.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Seafood

It is best to stay away from sea food during the rainy season. Sea food has a higher chance of getting infected with dangerous germs during monsoon as the risk of contamination in water bodies increases. Food poisoning and other gastrointestinal problems are also likely to be caused by these microorganisms.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Cut fruits

Cut fruits are easily available in the market, but consumption of pre-cut fruits and fruit juices should be avoided during the rainy season. Improper handling and storage of these items make them more prone to infection. Instead, choose whole fruits that can be peeled, washed and eaten.

Food To Avoid In Rainy Season: Dairy Products

Milk, paneer and curd are such dairy products which should be consumed with caution during the rainy season. Air humidity can promote the growth of bacteria, which can cause dairy products to spoil. To maintain food safety, dairy products should be stored properly and consumed before their expiry date.

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