
Foggy weather alert: Drive carefully in dense fog, otherwise…

Car Driving Tips: Fog is currently wreaking havoc in India. During winter season, it becomes difficult to drive amidst dense fog. Driving in dense fog becomes very dangerous due to reduced visibility. In such a situation, one needs to be very cautious and attentive while driving. Sometimes, due to low visibility in prolonged fog, the condition becomes so bad that people driving are unable to see clearly even at a distance of one meter. This means that there is a need to take special precautions while driving in dense fog during the winter season to make your journey safe. Come, what things should be kept in mind while driving in foggy weather.

keep car lights in good condition

When you are going to drive in fog, get all the lights adjusted before that. Especially, it is very important to have the brake light of your vehicle fixed. While driving in fog, the role of lights is greater. Brake lights are important because they signal the driver behind you to stop. Lights not only alert people driving behind you, but also indicate your presence on the road. Along with this, these lights also indicate in which direction you have to turn. Therefore, the lights of your vehicle should be fully working.

use fog lamp

If your car has front and rear fog lamps, do not forget to use them while driving in fog. These are provided for use in foggy days only. While the front fog lamp will help you see the road, the rear one ensures that other road users know that you are on the road.

drive in low beam light

Also, do not keep the main headlamp beam of your car on high while driving in dense fog. Driving with headlamps in high beam will scatter the beam in fog and create a white wall in front of the driver. This reduces visibility significantly. Instead, use the low beam of the car’s headlamps to pick out the side of the road to ensure you stay on the tarmac at all times. This will ensure that there will be no white wall effect and you will be able to see relatively better.

Keep the driver’s side window slightly open

Apart from this, while driving in fog, you should keep the driver’s side window slightly open. The reason for this is that while driving in foggy weather, not only does visibility reduce, but the sound of other vehicles is also less audible. In such a situation, it is very important to keep the window slightly open to hear other vehicles or outside noise. Leaving the driver’s side window slightly open will allow you to hear any audible warning signals before you see an approaching obstacle through the fog.

Keep a distance

In dense fog or mist, it is advisable to double your normal distance from the car in front, as low visibility limits your range of vision. If the car in front stops, there will be more time to avoid it. Remember that fog increases viewing distance. So you may actually be closer to the car in front than you think. Keep an eye on your driving speed. Fog also covers the road signs on the roadside and does not allow the vehicle lights to reach them. In such a situation confusion arises. Even if you think you are driving slowly, you may actually be driving fast and lose your way. Therefore, it is very important to control the speed while driving in fog.

drive on the edge

While driving in fog, keep your car on the left or right side to know how the road is turning ahead. There are times when visibility can be so low that you can only see a few meters beyond the bonnet of the car.

brake before signal

Use your indicators in advance to signal your intentions. Most people use tail lamps while driving in foggy conditions. Also, make sure that you are not applying the brakes late. Most drivers find it difficult to assess braking distances and points in fog. Therefore, applying brakes quickly and slowly will give enough information to other road users to do the same.

keep wiper active

Since visibility anyway reduces throughout the winter months. Therefore, it is advisable that if the wipers of your vehicle are old or damaged, then install new wipers, so that you do not have any problem in seeing while driving. If the wipers seem damaged, stop the car mid-trip and use old newspapers and some water to clean your windscreen and increase visibility.

Reduce use of danger indicator lamp

Danger indicator lamps in the car alert people about the vehicle parked on the side of the road. Many people drive in fog with the danger indicator lamp on. This creates unnecessary confusion. This will not give a clear indication to the rear drivers whether the car is going to turn left or right. Always use the danger indicator lamp only when you need to park. Park the vehicle away from the road, turn on the danger indicator lamp and then move away from the vehicle. Also, try not to park your vehicle in foggy areas.

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