
Floods: Floods wreak havoc in Italy, 8 people died, thousands homeless


Italy Floods: Storm and rain have caused havoc in Italy’s northern Emilia Romagna region. Due to the rain, there has been flood here. So far 8 people have lost their lives due to this natural disaster, while thousands of people have become homeless. To avoid the flood, people have started taking shelter on the roofs of the houses. Keeping in mind the flood situation, the rescue work has been continued continuously. Giving information, the officials said that the Imola Grand Prix Formula One racing was going to be organized here from May 21, which has now been postponed.

rivers in spate

If media reports are to be believed, the water of the rivers is in spate here due to rain and storm. Landslides have also been recorded at many places. Here, the areas near about 15 rivers have been completely filled with water, due to which many villages have been completely submerged in water. Due to floods in Italy, dirty water washed away parked cars through the streets of Faenza, Cesena and Forli, even many shops were flooded. Due to the flood, people here have to take shelter in the roofs of the houses.

Thousands of people were airlifted

Thousands of people stranded here due to floods were airlifted. Talking on the matter, Civil Protection Minister Nelo Musumesi told that – how much rain falls during the whole year, has happened here during the last 36 hours. Let us tell you that Italy receives about 1,000 mm of rain during the year, but during the last 36 hours, it has rained up to 500 mm. Due to floods, the rivers are in spate and the roads are also filled with water.


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