
Flax Seeds: Why you should eat flax seeds

Flax Seeds: There are many benefits of eating flax seeds. They may be small in appearance but they are full of nutrients which help our body to function better. It has many tremendous benefits, from improving digestion to reducing weight. Let us know why you should include these in your diet.

improves digestion

Flax seeds are rich in fiber, hence they are beneficial for digestive problems. Many times we are not able to complete the right amount of fiber intake, but by eating 2 spoons of flax seeds every day, we get a good amount of fiber. It keeps away problems like constipation and bloating.

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Helps in reducing weight

Consuming flax seeds helps in reducing your weight. This will prove to be very beneficial for those people who are overweight and want to reduce it. By eating flax seeds you do not feel very hungry, this helps you avoid overeating.

good for heart

Omega 3 is found in large quantities in flax seeds. Our body does not produce Omega 3 itself, so it is important that we get it through our diet. By eating flax seeds we prevent any kind of heart diseases from occurring in our body.

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reduces cholesterol

We all know how harmful cholesterol is for the body. The soluble fiber found in flax seeds helps in removing bad cholesterol from the body. If you eat this every day, it will help a lot in reducing your cholesterol level.

Reduces blood pressure

Flax seeds can help in reducing your blood pressure. High blood pressure carries the risk of increasing heart disease. Flax seeds help in reducing the fatty acids accumulated in your blood vessels. This reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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Helps in fighting cancer

Flax seeds can prove to be very helpful in fighting cancer. The antioxidants found in flax seeds help in keeping diseases like cancer away. According to some research, it reduces the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

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