
Five Most Expensive Cities in India: These are the most expensive cities of India, living here is not a matter of everyone

Most Expensive Cities in India


The first place in India’s most expensive city comes from Mumbai, every child of India knows that Mumbai is an expensive city and maintaining the lifestyle here is not in the capacity of a normal person because of the large population of Mumbai.

Most Expensive Cities in India


The country’s capital Delhi comes on the second number. Although the common man is fit to live in this city, but the inflation is also not less in this city. Delhi is famous only for its good things but sometimes it also gets infamous for bad things like high inflation.

Most Expensive Cities in India


Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu, is the fifth largest city in India and the third largest city in India in terms of inflation, even though these cities are very good in terms of beauty, but living here can be very expensive for a normal person.

Most Expensive Cities in India


The fourth most expensive city in the country is Bengaluru, where buying or renting a house is very expensive.

Most Expensive Cities in India


Kolkata is on the fifth number in our list, although many know it by the name of Calcutta and some years ago it used to be the capital of India, because of this you can understand that the importance of Kolkata is not less than that of Delhi.

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