
Five male skeletons recovered from a house, the door was last opened in 2019, know how the police reached

5 Human Skeleton in Karnataka: Very scary news is coming out from Karnataka. The news is that when a house was opened in Chitradurga district of the state, five human skeletons were recovered there. According to India Today, these skeletons are said to be members of the same family. There was chaos in the area after the incident. The police have taken possession of the house and started investigating the incident. During investigation, relatives told the police that the family was living a completely secluded life. Information also came to light that he was suffering from some serious illness. But, the skeletons of five people together are raising many doubts.

Know how the police reached

The surprising thing is that that family was last seen in the month of July 2019. Since then his residence was found completely and always closed. Nor was any member of the family seen. According to the information received, about two months ago, during their morning walk, the people living there noticed that the main door of the house was broken, yet the police was not informed. Further investigation of the incident site also revealed that signs of vandalism had already been found inside the house several times. After that the police were called.

Investigation of the incident site continues

As soon as the police reached the spot, they found four skeletons in a room. Two were on the bed and two were found on the floor. At the same time, another skeleton has been recovered from another room. Meanwhile, Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team and Scene of Crime Officers (SOCO) from Devengere were called to collect evidence and security has been tightened around the house. As soon as information about the incident was received, there was a stir in the surrounding area as to how five people were being recovered along with their skeletons. Some people also say that perhaps this could be a case of mass murder. However, nothing will be clear until the police investigation is completed.

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