
Firozabad New Name: Proposal to rename Firozabad as Chandranagar passed in Municipal Corporation, sent to government for approval

Firozabad News: It has been announced that the new name of Firozabad district of Uttar Pradesh will be Chandranagar. A resolution in this regard has been passed in Firozabad Municipal Corporation. Earlier, a proposal to change the name of Aligarh to Hari Garh was also passed. The proposal to rename Firozabad, famous for wedding city and bangles, as Chandranagar was passed in the Municipal Corporation Executive meeting. This proposal was also passed in the District Panchayat meeting two years ago. In the Municipal Corporation meeting, a total of 11 out of 12 executive members supported this proposal. According to the members of the Municipal Corporation’s executive, Firozabad’s name was earlier Chandranagar. Therefore, the name has not been changed, rather the earlier name has been given respect. There was a proposal before the board that Firozabad should be renamed as Chandranagar. So it has now been approved. This proposal passed by the city will now be sent to the state government for final approval. As soon as approval is received from the government, Firozabad will be named Chandranagar. It is believed that it will get the green signal from the government.

According to historians, King Chandrasen had his kingdom in Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh. Therefore this place was named Chandranagar. During the Mughal rule, Firozabad was ruled by Raja Chandrasen in 1556 AD. King Chandrasen used to listen to the problems of the people in the palace and roam around the city secretly to understand the pain and suffering of the people. King Chandrasen was also a dashing warrior. Because of his popularity it was called Chandranagar. At present, the palace of King Chandrasen is in ruins and only forest is left there.

Raja Chandrasen’s kingdom was in Firozabad.

According to historians, this city was named Firozabad after the commander of Mughal emperor Akbar, Firoz Shah. It is said that Raja Todarmal was one of the Navaratnas of Akbar. Once he was going to perform Pind Daan of his ancestors. But, robbers looted his convoy in Asafabad area. In this, along with wealth, camels were also looted. When Todar Mal narrated his story in Akbar’s court, he became furious. He said that during the reign of Emperor Akbar, the incident of looting of his own Navratnas was humiliating. On this, Akbar sent commander Firoz Shah and busted the gangs of robbers. Then Firoz Shah camped there and the city was named Firozabad. Then after the death of Firoz Shah, his tomb was built here.

Firozabad district was created on 5 February 1989.

Firozabad district was created in Uttar Pradesh on 5 February 1989 and it was known as Firozabad district. After the coming of the BJP government in the state, the effort to change the names of the districts and cities of the state during the Mughal era has intensified. There has been a demand to change the names of places like Agra, Aligarh, Ghazipur, Ghaziabad. Allahabad has already been renamed as Prayagraj.

Important things about the new name of Firozabad

  • This proposal has been passed in Firozabad Municipal Corporation. Earlier, a proposal to change the name of Aligarh to Harigarh was also passed.

  • The proposal to rename Firozabad, famous for bangles, as Chandranagar has been passed in the Municipal Corporation Executive meeting.

  • This proposal was also passed in the District Panchayat meeting two years ago. In the Municipal Corporation meeting, a total of 11 out of 12 executive members supported this proposal.

  • This proposal passed by the Municipal Corporation has now been sent to the UP Government for final approval, where it is likely to get final approval.

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