
Fire breaks out in Biada’s steel company in Bokaro, loss of around Rs 1.5 crore

Bokaro, Ranjit Kumar: A sudden fire broke out at 5 am on Sunday morning in Ish Ispat Private Limited Company, operating in Phase Three of Bokaro Industrial Area (BIADA) in Bokaro district of Jharkhand. The fire started spreading rapidly. Before anyone could understand, the factory was in the grip of fire. There has been a loss of approximately Rs 1.5 crore in the fire incident. The fire brigade was called immediately. Two big fire engines reached the fire site. The fire could be controlled after two hours of hard work. There was a fire in the company two years ago also. As soon as the news was received, the police reached the spot and got the information and started investigation.

Police engaged in investigation

Due to the fire, the factory’s 33 KV electric sub-station including three transfer stations was completely burnt to ashes. Factory owner Sanjay Rai said that prima facie it seems that the fire was caused by short circuit. At present the damage caused by the fire is being assessed. The loss is estimated to be around Rs 1.5 crore. There has been no casualty to any laborer in this incident. After 7 o’clock in the morning the situation of fire in the factory became normal. Balidih police station reached the incident site. Inspector Sanjay Kumar said that information about the matter is being collected. Nothing can be said at the moment.

The incident had happened two years ago also

The work of making ingot (first stage of preparation of rods) is done in Ish Ispat Private Limited Company. There was a fire incident in the company two years ago also. Even at that time, the company had suffered a loss of more than Rs 1 crore in the fire incident. Even in that fire, the reasons behind the incident could not be known. After this, a fire incident occurred again on Sunday.

ALSO READ: Fire breaks out in Lugu mountain forest, forest workers busy extinguishing it

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