
FIH Olympic Qualifier: Germany’s hockey team reached Ranchi to have a duel with India

Morabadi Of Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Astroturf Hockey Stadium HIF Hockey Olympic Qualifier matches are to be held from January 13. All the teams that have reached Ranchi have started their preparations. While the teams are practicing to improve themselves, the teams are also playing practice matches among themselves to test themselves. Two matches were played in this series on Tuesday. The first match was played between Japan and USA at 1 o’clock. Both the teams could not score any goals against each other for the entire time. In the second practice match, Germany defeated India 4-2. The German team interacted with the media on Wednesday and told everyone about the difficulties and challenges faced during the practice match. Germany’s coach said that playing against India the size of India is a great opportunity for us. When the Indian team came to Germany, we played a great match and danced. We expect such great matches in this tournament also.

We expect a great match: Germany coach

Coach Valentin Altberg and Captain Nike Lorenz of the German team, which reached Ranchi to play the FIH Hockey Olympics qualifying match, spoke to the media. On his experience of coming to India, the coach says that ‘It is a great opportunity for us to come to India and play against India. However, after coming here, there has been a lot of change in our time and weather, which is a challenge for us. But last summer Team India came to Germany. We played a great match and danced. We expect such great matches in this tournament also.

New place brings a new challenge: Captain Nike Lorenz

On the difficulty of playing on the pitch, the captain says that this pitch is very bouncy. Many times the ball gets diverted. But we are slowly getting used to it. She further says that every new place definitely brings a new challenge. It is for us too but with practice we will get over it. At the same time, the coach says that it does not matter to us how well we have performed in previous tournaments. This qualifying tournament is important for us. So we want to play this tournament from scratch. The coach further says that we are not completely confident about winning the tournament. We just want to play a better game and give tough competition to other teams.

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