
Fierce fire in Chhapra, more than 100 houses burnt, 20 gas cylinders also exploded, loss of lakhs


A sudden fire broke out in Madarpur village of Saran’s Bheldi police station area on Thursday afternoon. The flame of the fire was so frightening that more than 100 houses were burnt to ashes. The fire spread so fast that about 20 gas cylinders kept in the houses also got caught in it. Some motorcycles were also burnt. Not even a single item was left in more than a hundred houses, dozens of goats got burnt to death.

fire in dalit basti

According to the information received from the spot, on Thursday afternoon, in the Scheduled Caste colony of Madarpur Dalit, people were busy in their respective work, then suddenly flames started appearing. Seeing the flames, the people of the house could understand something, till then the fire had spread in many houses. People were constantly trying to extinguish the fire. But due to strong wind, the fire could not be controlled. Its information was given to Bheldi police station chief Santosh Kumar. After this, dozens of small and big fire brigade vehicles from Bheldi, Gadkha, Maker, Madhaura and other places were immediately called on the spot. By then the fire had spread to the entire colony.

The fire was spreading due to strong wind

Police administration and fire personnel were unable to do anything after seeing the horrific scene in front of their eyes. The wind was so strong that the fire was being extinguished on one side. The fire was spreading on the other side. Meanwhile, some people were also pushing and shoving the firemen. The personnel were trying to extinguish the fire by going through the flames. Women and children were trapped in many houses. Whom the local people pulled out with a lot of effort.

20 gas cylinders also burst

While extinguishing the fire, many youths and administration personnel also got minor injuries. The fire was so terrible that smoke was visible in the sky for several kilometers. Seeing this scene, the local people had tears in their eyes. Many people ran away after seeing the flames. During this, all the things kept in his house were burnt to ashes. The victims present on the spot told that the fire was so terrible that all the people took women and children and ran away from the house to save their lives. During this, dozens of bikes, 20 gas cylinders, lakhs of rupees in cash, food items, clothes, all utensils were completely burnt to ashes.

Preparing list of victims

After the fire is extinguished, all the belongings of their house and their residence have been burnt. Those people went to their homes and found ornaments and other valuables among the ashes and were crying loudly. On coming to know about the incident, the officers of the block have reached the spot and started preparing the list of fire victims. So that they can get immediate government compensation. The same local people’s representatives are also making government and private arrangements for the families of the victims to stay.


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