
Father of injured businessman Deepak Aggarwal lodged a written complaint in the police station, FIR registered

Senior correspondent, Dhanbad.On Sunday, his father Mahavir Prasad Dharmani lodged a written complaint at the Bank Mod police station regarding the shooting of Deepak Aggarwal, the owner of a car center located at Bank Mod. On the basis of this, the police have registered an FIR and started further action. Mahavir Prasad Dharmani told in the application that his son Deepak Aggarwal has a spare parts shop named Car Center in Bank Mod Goodwill Properties Market. On Saturday night, around 8.30 pm, an unknown person came wearing a cloth over his face, took out a pistol and suddenly fired. The bullet comes out piercing my son’s face. Due to this he becomes unconscious and falls on the ground. By the time the shop staff arrives, the criminal absconds. Then the shop staff and the people around took Deepak to the hospital. Shri Dharmani has demanded that the criminals should be caught soon and given strict punishment.

Treatment is going on in Kolkata

Injured Deepak Aggarwal was taken by his family members to CMRI Hospital in Kolkata on Saturday night itself. Right now he is undergoing treatment there. Sources said that his condition remains stable. getting shot His jaw is broken. Now jaw operation is going to happen. His family members and other people are there with him.

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