
Farmers rejoiced due to ‘Hathiya’ rain in Jharkhand, water entered many houses, problems increased for people

Due to continuous intermittent rains in Jharkhand for the last three days, a ray of happiness has returned to the farmers amid their despair. The fields are filled with water. After the rains in Hathiya Nakshatra, paddy ears have also grown at some places, while in BCCL the production has been affected due to continuous rains.

Two BCCL houses collapsed due to rain in East Katras, survivors

Two houses located in the danger zone in East Katras of New Akashkinari Colliery collapsed due to rain on Sunday night, due to which property worth about fifty thousand rupees was destroyed. The family members of Baidyanath Bhuiyan and Deepak Beldar living in the houses had a narrow escape. Baidyanath told that they earn their living by working as labourers. His mother earlier worked in BCCL. Still living in the same quarter. Where will we go now? Worrying about this. Here, JMM leader Rajkumar Das has telephoned the PO and demanded immediate rehabilitation of these people. These people are living in the vacant room next door. It is said that many houses here are completely dilapidated. In this regard, the project officer of the colliery, Awadhesh Kumar, said that the houses have collapsed due to continuous rains. The houses were raw. Arrangements will be made for rehabilitation of the people of both the houses. Notices will be pasted not to live in the said dilapidated houses.

Tetulmari: Jamada’s 14 inch pipe burst, water supply affected for three days

Due to the bursting of Jamada’s 14 inch pipeline near the Gaya Pul water tank, water supply in the area has been halted for three days. There is no water supply in the affected areas like Tetulmari Nayamod, Sijua No. 10, Jogta etc. Despite three days having passed since the pipe burst, the department has not yet started pipe repair. Sources say that the contractor arrived on Monday to repair the pipe but the machine did not reach the damaged pipe site to dig, after which no repair could be done on Monday. In this matter, Jamada SDO Manoj Kumar said that repairs will be done soon on Monday and water supply will be started smoothly.

Intake well jammed due to algae due to increase in water level of Damodar

Added puddles. The water level in the Damodar River located at Jamada Water Plant Center Jamadoba has increased after the rains, due to which the water supply in Jharia-Putki area has been affected. About 8 lakh people could not get water till Sunday and Monday. The people of Jharia did their work by collecting rain water. Jamada workers say that the normal water level of Damodar was 454 RL on Sunday, which has increased to 460 RL. Due to this, intake valves 6, 8, 9 got completely jammed due to flowing water hyacinth and algae, due to which water could not be stored in storage houses 12 and 9 MGD. Due to this, water supply in Jharia and Putki areas has come to a standstill since Sunday. Here, Jamada’s junior engineer Ashutosh Rana has told that the water level of Damodar river is continuously increasing. Divers have been called from outside. Soon, water supply will be restored in Jharia-Putki area by cleaning the intake valve.

Bastakola: Production halted in projects due to continuous rains

Incessant rains have affected the coal production of BCCL. There has been waterlogging at the production site. The production of RK Transport, a project run by Ana Outsourcing of Kusunda area, has completely come to a standstill for three days. Keeping in view the safety, the outsourcing management has brought all the machines installed in the coal and OB face to a safe place above. The work of extracting about nine thousand tonnes of coal and 25 thousand cubic meters of OB has come to a complete standstill. From the safety point of view, BCCL management and outsourcing company personnel are keeping an eye on the rising water level of Kari Joria. At the same time, production in Bastakola Outsourcing Project has been zero for the last two days. Bastakola PO AK Sharma said that there has been a loss in the production of about ten thousand tonnes of coal and about fifty thousand cubic meters of OB. Rajapur project officer D Singh said that there has been a decrease in production in the project. The production of coal used to be around 6 thousand tonnes per day, which has now reduced to around 3500 tonnes. At present OB clearance from the project is closed. The production of Dhansar Vishwakarma Project departmental patches has also been affected.

Paddy ears started appearing in Tundi

Farmers are thrilled after the continuous rains. Funds were invested this year amidst hopelessness. But due to intermittent rains the crop is flourishing. Paddy ears have started appearing in the fields near Chainpur village of Tundi.

Joria is crossing with his life at stake

Gomo. Due to the strong flow of water in Joria Nala near Bishanpur Panchayat Secretariat, some part of the diversion was washed away. Diversion has been carried out for the third time. The movement of four-wheelers and two-wheelers is completely disrupted. Villagers are crossing Joriya drain with their lives at stake.

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