
Family members create ruckus over death of pregnant woman in Bengal

Asansol: West Bengal Asansol district hospital turned into a battlefield on Sunday. Actually the matter is that a woman died in the hospital. Family members say that this incident happened due to the negligence of the doctors. After the matter came to its notice, the hospital management has ordered an investigation and assured action against the culprits.

what is the matter

According to the information, a pregnant woman named Lovely Goyal was admitted to Asansol District Hospital in Bengal due to labor pain. Seeing the condition of the woman, the doctors started treating the woman but the condition did not improve. During this time, the doctors on duty took a paper signature from the woman’s mother-in-law. Family members say that no information was given as to why this signing was done.

After this, considering the condition of the woman, the doctors decided to perform a caesarean operation. After this, the doctors performed surgery on the woman with the permission of her family. Where the woman gave birth to a child. But after the surgery his condition became worse. After this he was admitted to the CCU department. Where the woman died on Sunday morning.

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Hospital administration assured action

After the death of the woman, her family members created a ruckus in the hospital premises and beat up the guard. Family members say that there was negligence in the treatment. Seeing the matter gaining momentum, the hospital administration ordered an investigation and assured action against the culprits.

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