
Fact Check: Is Ebola virus in cold drinks? Know the truth before drinking this in the new year

The month of December is about to end. Now we will enter the new year. During New Year celebrations, people focus more on food along with travelling, and many people like to drink cold drinks after food. Meanwhile, a message regarding cold drink is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this viral message, it is being claimed that the Government of India has advised citizens to refrain from drinking cold drinks for a few days, because it is infected with Ebola virus.

When social media users are seeing this message on their mobiles, their tension is increasing. Especially those people who are lovers of cold drinks. They like to drink it after eating. Often you must have seen that after eating fast food, people prefer to drink cold drinks. So let us know what is the truth of this viral message. After all, to what extent is this claim true, let us know in fact check…

What kind of message is going viral?

Actually, a message is going viral rapidly on social media. It is written in this message that please do not drink cold drinks…names of many companies are mentioned in the message. It has been said in the viral message that a worker of a company has injected blood infected with Ebola virus into the cold drink. Therefore, forward this message to everyone so that people can stay safe, also National Health of India, Government of India is seen written in this viral message.

What was said by PIB Fact Check?

When this message was investigated, PIB Fact Check declared this viral message as fake. Also, PIB issued a statement on social media platform X. PIB Fact Check has said that no such advisory has been issued by the Government of India. In this way this viral claim has been proved to be completely false. Also, the Government of India has clearly denied not drinking cold drinks and confirming the Ebola virus.

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