
Facebook users beware! Targeted an elderly person using deepfake, was going to commit suicide again…

Deepfake is a word that is heard more these days. In fact, by using Artificial Intelligence (AI), someone’s photo or video is tampered with and a copy of it is made, which appears like the original. It talks exactly the same way or makes the same sound as the person concerned actually does. The business of blackmailing by doing this is going on these days. The latest case has come to light from Ghaziabad which has been published by the English website Times of India. If reports are to be believed, the criminals made a video and targeted a 76-year-old man. This was done with the aim of extorting money.

According to the news that has come out, the 76 year old man was completely scared after this incident. He fulfilled the intentions of the criminals. He made repeated payments of Rs. to the criminals. It is being told that the person who was trapped by the criminals was told that his deepfake video was in the hands of a retired IPS officer. They were so scared by this that they paid the money. They were scared by the thought of police action, which the criminals took advantage of.

what did the police say

According to the information given by the police regarding the matter, a case was immediately registered regarding the matter and the investigation is going on. This is said to be the first case in the country in which the police is observing that cyber fraud with the help of deepfakes is moving towards a deadly direction. Talking about deepfake, with the help of technology, digital manipulation is done using audio, video and picture, which is used by criminals for blackmailing.

How to know the trapped person

It is being told that Arvind Sharma, resident of Govindpuram, who works as a clerk in a company. He lived alone. He had bought a smartphone and opened a Facebook account just a few days ago. On November 4, the fraudsters first contacted him through Facebook video call. Sharma picked up the phone but saw a naked woman on the other end after which he disconnected the phone within a few seconds. But this was enough to trap him. An hour after the incident, he received another video call on WhatsApp, but this time, it was from a man in police uniform who seemed to be threatening him.

Sharma’s daughter Monica said in the police complaint that in the video, the man in uniform said that if my father did not pay the money, he would file a complaint against him. He also said that he will make the video of my father talking to women viral on social media and will also share it with family members. It is being told that the victims were worried after the WhatsApp calls of blackmailers. He was afraid that if the video went viral, he might have to face a lot of embarrassment. Out of fear, he transferred Rs 5,000 to the bank account number given by the fraudsters.

The victim had started contemplating suicide.

Daughter Monica said that he also took a loan from the company where he worked. She told the police that the accused demanded more money last week, due to which her father became mentally disturbed and started contemplating suicide. Sharma, who paid Rs 74,000, eventually informed his family. As soon as the family came to know about this, they started trying to find out who the IPS officer was with the help of Google. They came to know that the person in the video was former ADG Prem Prakash. Unable to understand why a senior officer would threaten and extort money, he contacted the Ghaziabad Police.

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