
Explainer: What papers are needed to sell an old car or bike? see full list

if you have your car or bike If you have the right documents and you have kept them completely updated, then you can avoid many problems while selling your car. As a seller you need to have all the necessary documents required to sell the car. This saves you from future problems and more importantly, when you apply for name transfer, the complete documents will help you go through the process smoothly. Through this article, we will present a list of all the necessary documents that you need to sell your car.

  • Registration Certificate (RC): As the name suggests, the RC of a car certifies that it is registered in your name and that you are the legal owner of the vehicle. RC is necessary to sell not only cars, but any type of vehicle that comes under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. You must have the RC of your car without any type of misprint or defect as any discrepancy in the RC will surely hamper the name transfer process. If your RC is lost or stolen, you need to lodge an FIR with the local police station and apply for a duplicate RC by filling Form 26.

  • Valid Insurance Certificate: A valid insurance certificate is required to sell the car. Without valid insurance, you will not be able to sell your car to a new buyer. If your car insurance has expired, get it renewed and then sell your car. Without insurance, the re-sale value of your car may drop drastically and you will not be able to apply for the ownership transfer process at the Regional Transport Office (RTO). If you do not want to invest much in buying new insurance or renewing, you can opt for a third-party policy which will at least remove the legal hurdle in selling your car.

  • Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate: Another mandatory document required for sale is the PUC certificate. It certifies that the emission level of the car is within the limits prescribed by the regulatory agencies under the legal provisions. There are separate emission limits for petrol, diesel and CNG vehicles; However, battery operated vehicles are exempted from emission test. You can easily get a PUC certificate as most of the fuel stations have emission-checking facilities. Even the cost of obtaining a PUC is very nominal and ranges between Rs 60 to Rs 100 depending on the type and capacity of the vehicle. It is important to note that vehicles manufactured after April 2010 need to get the PUC renewed once a year, while cars manufactured before April 2010 need to get the PUC renewed every three months – although the rules may differ depending on the state law, type of vehicles etc.

  • Self-attested PAN Card (copy): You must submit a self-attested copy of your PAN card while selling your car to the buyer. If you do not have a PAN card, you can provide a copy of Form 60 to complete the sale process.

  • Proof of Address Most states require you to provide a self-attested copy of your proof of address. You can use any one of the following documents and submit it to the authority as a valid proof of address Can:

    Aadhar card


    Voter ID Card

    Ration card

    Any other document issued by the Government of India

    In some states, documents like electricity bill and rent-agreement are also considered as valid address proof. Please note that not all states/cities require you to submit address proof for the sale of a car, as in Mumbai, you can transfer ownership without providing any address proof.

  • Self-attested photographs (2 copies) For transfer of car ownership, it is mandatory for you to have at least two self-attested photographs, which will be attached with the transfer form and submitted to the RTO.

  • Form 28 (3 copies) Form 28 is also called No Objection Certificate as it certifies that the registering authority (with whom the car is registered) has no objection when you sell your car to the buyer. It also means that you do not have any outstanding liability against the vehicle and you can sell it without legal complications. You need three copies of Form 28 which you can download here (Form 28) or get hard copy from RTO. Once you have received Form 28, you need to make a pencil impression of your car’s chassis number on these three forms and then submit it to the RTO along with the application for RC transfer process.

  • Form 29 (2 copies) Form 29 is used to inform the RTO that you have sold your vehicle to the buyer. Confirmation that all documents required to sell the car have been handed over to the buyer. You need to submit this form along with the requisite fee to the RTO office to complete the sale process. (Form 29)

  • Form 30 (2 copies) After informing the RTO that the car has been sold through Form 29, it is your responsibility as the seller to request the RTO to transfer the ownership of the car to the new buyer. This is done through Form 30 which declares that all legal and financial liabilities relating to the vehicles have now been transferred to the new buyer. You need to apply for the ownership transfer process within 14 days of the sale of the car. Submit two copies of Form 30 to the RTO along with applicable fees to get the transfer of ownership done at the earliest.

  • Sales affidavit Sale Affidavit will be made in your (seller’s) name declaring that all the liabilities relating to the vehicle are now transferred to the buyer. Once the RC is transferred and both seller and buyer sign the sale affidavit attested by a notary public, the new buyer will become liable for all the liabilities related to the vehicle.

some other documents

Apart from these mandatory documents there are some other optional things which you can hand over to the new buyer. These include duplicate keys, owner’s manual, service history and maintenance records of the car, original purchase invoice etc. Remember, these are optional in nature and there is no legal compulsion that you have to provide these things while selling your car. In short, we can categorize the mandatory documents required to sell your car into three categories (Table 1) which will help you understand things easily and intuitively.

Get rid of the hassle of broker

If you have all these mandatory documents, then you can easily sell your car. You do not need to hire a car selling agent or broker and can increase your savings by selling the car yourself. Most of us appoint agents as we do not want to go through the hassle of the ownership transfer process which requires constant follow-up with the RTO and other relevant departments. This is a genuine concern, however you can save yourself from these hassles if you decide to sell your car on CarDekho Gaadi.

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