
Explainer: What is zero FIR? If the police hesitate to register, then do this work

Zero FIR Section: Zero FIR has been the most talked about recent incidents of violence and crime in Manipur. Have you ever known about Zero FIR i.e. First Information Report, actually zero FIR is the one which you can get registered in any police station when crime is committed. However, it is often seen that the police hesitate to register this FIR. Why this happens, today we are going to give you complete information about it.

What is Zero FIR?

Zero FIR is like a normal FIR. However, one of its biggest advantages is that it does not create any jurisdictional hurdles. Generally, when the police in any police station writes the FIR only when the crime has taken place under that police station area. But this does not happen in zero FIR.

In this, the victim or any acquaintance of that person, relative or any eyewitness can also register an FIR in any police station. This is called Zero FIR. On the basis of zero FIR, the police starts its action or investigation. Later, that case is transferred to the police station of the concerned area.

Where can zero FIR be lodged?

It is often seen that whenever an incident happens, the common man goes to the police to lodge a complaint, but the common man usually does not have complete knowledge about the law. That’s why they get upset when they have to travel from one police station to another. Regarding this, it has been clearly stated in section 154 of CrPC that, any police station can register an FIR, whether it is its jurisdiction or not.

Even if the case is not related to that police station, the common man can get zero FIR lodged there. An officer of the rank of Inspector or Senior Inspector will write a forwarding letter and a constable will take that letter to the police station where the case will be. After this, further investigation will be started in the case.

Crime is not written in zero FIR

No crime is written in zero FIR. That is why it is called Zero FIR. The police hesitates to write this FIR because many times it is seen that there was a fight between two people, but the other person in order to implicate him puts many other allegations against him in the FIR. That’s why the police station where there is no such case refrains from registering such FIR.

Investigation will have to be done in crime related to women

The police station registering zero FIR is not empowered to investigate in that case, but if the crime has happened to a woman, then under section 498 of IPC, if a woman will register an FIR related to harassment against her in-laws And would like that police station to investigate it, then the police will have to investigate it.

Why was the need for zero FIR felt?

In view of the increasing criminal cases in the country every day, a dire need was felt to reform the rules and regulations. In particular, the Nirbhaya gangrape in Delhi in the year 2012 shook the whole country. After which Justice Verma Committee was formed to improve the laws.

This committee made many stringent laws to reduce the criminal cases against women and to make the police more empowered. Along with this, some old laws were also amended. This committee had suggested zero FIR. After zero FIR, the police officer is allowed to take action even outside his jurisdiction.

Difference between FIR and Zero FIR

Very few people know that zero FIR is also like FIR. The only difference between these two is that you can get the FIR lodged in the police station of the crime area only and you can get the ZeroFI lodged anywhere and the police also have to register a case on the basis of the complaint in this FIR. When the police registers the case, it is transferred to the concerned police station.

Under what circumstances zero FIR is registered

Generally, offenses are divided into two categories, cognizable and non-cognizable. Cognizable offenses are very serious. These include rape, murder, murderous assault etc. It is necessary to report such crimes immediately, so that action can be initiated at the earliest. Zero FIR can be lodged in such cases.

Zero FIRs are registered in case of more rape, so that the victim can be medically examined immediately. On the other hand, non-cognizable offenses do not come under the category of serious offences, such as forgery, cheating, assault or fighting etc. In such cases, FIR is not registered directly, rather they are first referred to the Magistrate. After which the magistrate issues summons and only after that further action starts.

Benefits of Zero FIR

  • Getting information about the incident to the police without delay.

  • After registering a zero FIR, the police have to take action, even if the matter is not under its jurisdiction.

  • Through timely action, many important evidences and proofs can be saved from being destroyed.

  • The aggrieved person does not have to wander from door to door to get justice. Wherever he is, he can plead for justice from there itself.

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