
EXCLUSIVE: Water crisis may come in Bihar in 2050, availability of surface water decreasing due to changing rain pattern


Rajdev Pandey, Patna. Due to the change in the weather, there has been a radical change in the rain pattern in Bihar. In the last five years, the number of heavy rains has increased by two times. In 2015, the average number of spells of heavy rain used to be around 200 in 38 districts of the state. In the next five years, in the year 2021, its number reached 433. In the year 2022, despite 39 percent less rainfall than normal, the number of spells of heavy rain remained 235. Despite this, the ground water level could not increase.

rain water flowing through rivers

Weather experts tell that Bihar lacks proper wet land (wet land / water land) to save heavy rains. Water is flowing through rivers. Instead of rain, this trend has a direct effect on the availability of surface water. The Krishi Road Map report states that the per capita surface water availability in Bihar in 2001 was 1594 cubic metres. In 2017, this availability has reduced to 1213 cubic metres. There is a possibility of remaining 1006 cubic meters in 2025 and 635 cubic meters in 2050.

There will be water crisis in 2050

At present, the total surface water in Bihar is 132 billion cubic meters. This is adequate now, but in the year 2050, the estimated availability of total surface water to Bihar will be 145 billion cubic meters (BCM). Then we will need more water. To fulfill this, we will have limited options. Be informed that the total water storage capacity of Bihar’s reservoirs is less than one BCM. Experts are of the opinion that if the rains of the monsoon season are not saved in the coming period, Bihar will be on the threshold of a severe water crisis. In the foothills of the Himalayas, the amount of heavy rain is up to 75 percent of the total water rained there. There has been a significant increase in the number of rainy days in South Bihar.

special facts

  • Year – Number of total spells of heavy rain in different districts

  • 2015- 204

  • 2016-294

  • 2017-253

  • 2018-184

  • 2019 – 278

  • 2020-343

  • 2021-433

  • 2022-235

Need to work towards water conservation

Regional Director of IMD Patna, Vivek Sinha said that the number of heavy rains has increased significantly. There are natural barriers to save heavy rains in the form of ground water and surface water. A large amount of rain flows away in a very short time. It is able to change very little in ground water. Looking at the rain pattern, there is a need to work towards water conservation.


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