
Exam Tips: Score better in exams with time management

Exam Tips: Whether it is a school-college exam or a job, time management plays an important role in its preparation. While preparing for the exam, the most important thing is not to waste even a little of your time. In such a situation, along with time management, you can move forward in the direction of scoring better in the examination by making good use of every moment.

Despite good studies, exams can be stressful for many students. It is important to manage your time effectively so that you can revise all your subjects before the exam. This is how you can manage your time while preparing for the exam…

follow the time table

The first step to manage time during exams is to make a timetable and follow it. A study plan will help you structure your time effectively and ensure you cover all the essential topics. First of all identify the subjects for which you have to prepare. Make a separate list of those topics to which you have to give more time. Then, allot specific time to study each topic. Don’t forget to include breaks in your study plan to avoid burnout. Write down what you need to study and how much time you are going to spend on each subject. This will help you stay on track and cover the prescribed topics.

List topics according to priority

It is very important to prioritize tasks in time management during exams. Pay more attention to those subjects or topics which you find difficult. Make a list of the topics you have to complete each day and rank them in order of importance. This will help you use your time more effectively and cover the important topics first.

Take a break to avoid monotony

You may find it burdensome to read for hours. In such a situation, keep taking breaks between one to one and a half hours. By taking short breaks, you can relax yourself and recharge your energy. During this time, go for a walk, do stretching or meditate. This will help you maintain focus in studies and avoid burnout. You can also use the Pomodoro technique, which involves studying for 25 minutes, taking a 5-minute break, and then repeating the process.

stay away from distractions

Turn off your phone and other distracting devices. You can also use apps or browser extensions that block distracting websites or social media platforms.

don’t take any kind of stress

It is important to get enough sleep to stay away from stress during exam preparation. To remain fresh and focused throughout the day, take at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Avoid studying till late night, as it can disrupt your sleep and lead to deteriorating health.

keep yourself organized

Staying organized in time management is also important. Keep your study material organized. Make sure you have all the necessary books, pens and other necessary materials before you start studying. With this you will not waste time in searching for things and will be able to take full advantage of your studies.

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