
Even the dog calmed down after seeing the dacoits in Patna, took an elderly couple hostage and searched five rooms one by one

Patna. Late night, eight masked criminals committed robbery in a house located in Library Lane of Kadamkuan police station area. At the time of the incident, there were only an elderly couple in the house and the criminals made the couple sit in a room. After this, five rooms were searched one by one. The dacoits escaped with jewelery worth around Rs 10 lakh, expensive brass utensils and Rs 33,000 in cash kept in two separate cupboards. The criminals entered the house around 2.30 am, searched all the rooms of the house for an hour and then fled from the spot.

The dog named Ronnie became completely calm after seeing the dacoits.

Apart from the couple, there is also a dog named Ronnie in the house, which became completely calm after seeing the dacoits. After the incident, 86-year-old Balram Singh and wife 70-year-old Kalma Devi informed this to the family. As soon as the information was received, Town DSP Ashok Kumar Singh and Kadamkuan police station reached the spot. After hours of investigation the FSL team was also called. The police station chief said that the matter is being investigated.

Open the door…heard it was from the family

The victim, elderly Balram Singh, told that around 2.30 pm someone knocked at the door. My wife and I were sleeping. Meanwhile, the sound of knocking on the door was heard two or three times. I asked who…but no answer came. Later I felt that perhaps the family might have come and I opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, eight masked men entered inside one by one. Seeing this I understood that all of them were criminals.

Couldn’t figure out what to do because of fear

The victim, elderly Balram Singh, told that we were made to sit in a room. Due to fear, we were unable to understand what to do. The criminals searched the five rooms one by one for about an hour. Looked at all the stuff like trunk, cupboard, bed, dressing etc. They ran away with jewelery worth around Rs 10 lakh, expensive utensils and Rs 33 thousand in cash from two cupboards. The criminals were in the house till about 3.30.

Other family members had gone to the wedding

According to the information received, apart from the elderly couple, six to seven other people live in the house. Everyone had gone out for some program for several days. The elderly couple were alone at home since December 8, which is why they thought the family might have come. The criminals have taken away two bags filled with jewelery and cash. All the things in the house were scattered.

Criminals had come to search for land papers

After this entire incident, the family suspects that the incident was carried out due to an ongoing dispute regarding land. The criminals were probably searching for the land documents, but could not find them. Meanwhile they ran away with jewellery, cash and utensils. The police is investigating this entire matter.

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