
EUREKA! Humans will become immortal in 7 years, technology will help


Man Can Attain Immortality By 2030: Humans will attain Immortality in only seven years. This would be possible with the help of technology. Former Google engineer Ray Kurzweil has claimed that humans will become immortal by the year 2030 with the help of nanobots. Awarded the National Medal for Technology in 1999 and inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2022, Ray Kurzweil, 75, is a computer scientist, forecaster and author, as well as a former Google engineer.

Genetics, robotics and nanotechnology will help

In 2005, Ray Kurzweil in his book ‘The Singularity is Near’ predicted about the immortality of humans. According to his prediction, by 2030, with the help of technology, man will achieve such a life, which will never end. He has also mentioned that the current advances seen in genetics, robotics and nanotechnology will enable nanorobots to walk through human veins in the near future.

these predictions came true

The reason for Ray Kurzweil’s talk on immortality coming into the limelight once again is a YouTube series. Ray Kurzweil’s comments were featured in a recently released video series by tech vlogger Adagio. Kurzweil’s predictions are not to be taken lightly, as many of his previous claims have proved to be true. He predicted that by 1999, consumers would be able to design their own clothes from their home computers to the exact measurements and style they needed. He also predicted that the world’s best chess player would be defeated by a computer by 2000 and that by 2009 people would be using a wide range of portable computers of varying sizes.

AI will achieve the level of human intelligence

According to the New York Post, Ray Kurzweil has made similar predictions before, when he said that 2029 is the date when artificial intelligence (AI) will pass a valid Turing test and thus achieve human level of intelligence. . Explain that Alan Turing, a computer scientist, developed an imitation (artificial) game in 1950, which was to test the intelligence of a human-like machine.

singularity and immortality

Ray Kurzweil said, I have set the date for ‘Singularity’ (Singularity) of 2045, when we will increase it a billion times by merging our effective intelligence with Artificial Intelligence. According to Kurzweil, in less than a decade, humans will also develop such technology when microscopic robots can be sent at the cellular level, through which aging and diseases can be prevented by repairing the body. He also claimed that such nanotechnology would allow humans to eat whatever they want, while keeping them lean and energetic.


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