
Electric scooter battery explodes! Consumer got compensation of Rs 10 lakh

Consumer Forum Direction: Nowadays the demand for electric vehicles has increased significantly in India. Especially, electric scooters and EV cars are being liked a lot for city rides. But, meanwhile, the shocking news is that there are reports of explosions in the batteries of electric scooters and people are also knocking on the doors of consumer forums after the batteries explode. Recently, a consumer commission in Telangana has directed the vehicle manufacturing company Benling India Energy and Technology Private Limited to pay a compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the customer after the battery of an electric scooter exploded.

Direction for compensation of Rs 10 lakh

According to a report by Bar & Bench, a consumer commission in Telangana recently directed electric scooter manufacturer Benling to pay Rs 10 lakh as compensation to a customer after the battery of an electric vehicle exploded. This decision has been given by the Consumer Commission in the case of Kandi Shailja and others vs. Benling India Energy and Technology Pvt. Ltd. and others.

The company did not show interest in the matter

The report said that the team of District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission in Medak comprising Chairman Gazzala Venkateshwarlu and member Makyam Vijay Kumar stressed that it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to understand the reasons behind the explosion in the battery of an electric scooter. However, in this particular case the Commission found the vehicle manufacturer unharmed. In its direction, the Commission told the company that it is the duty of the manufacturer to understand the reasons for the explosion and compensate the loss caused to the complainants. However, in the current case it appears that the manufacturers are not concerned about investigating the incident and supporting it. The Commission said that despite several contacts made by the complainants, the manufacturer showed no interest.

The scooter’s battery burst in February 2023

The District Consumer Commission was hearing a complaint under Section 35 (1) of the Consumer Protection Act alleging that an electric scooter purchased from Benling in April 2021 suddenly exploded in February 2023. The complainants demanded compensation of Rs 13.5 lakh and litigation expenses of Rs 40,000 along with replacement of the scooter with another scooter. The complainants also said that if replacement of the scooter was not possible, they requested compensation equal to its purchase price along with interest at 18 percent per annum. The complainants informed the Commission that despite complaints and contacts, neither the vehicle manufacturer nor the vehicle dealer came to their residence or responded. Due to this, we were forced to send a legal notice to the complainant.

The manufacturing company did not appear even after the Commission’s notice

However, notices were also sent to the manufacturer and dealer by the Consumer Commission, but they did not appear. Subsequently, the Commission, while giving an ex-parte order, emphasized that explosion in a vehicle’s battery can occur due to various reasons and hence, it is appropriate for the manufacturer to understand the causes of such explosion and rectify the same. If this persists in all other vehicles sold by them, they may recall the products. They can be improved to avoid possible loss of property and life. The Commission further said that despite being served notice by them, Benling was negligent in the matter and did not even bother to respond to the notice or appear before it. After the negligence of the manufacturer and dealer, the Commission has issued an order to give compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the customer.

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