
Eid Milad-un-Nabi 2023: Bareilly lit up with lights, it is called ‘Eid of Eids’, know the belief of Eid Milad-un-Nabi

Bareilly: The festival of Eid Miladunnabi is being celebrated all over the world on Thursday. Followers of Islam celebrate the birthday of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sahib as Eid Miladunnabi or Eid-e-Milad. It is also called ‘Eid of Eids’. According to the Islamic calendar, this festival is celebrated on the 12th of the third month Rabi-ul-Awal. Bareilly has been decorated with colorful lights on the auspicious occasion of Eid Miladunnabi. The main roads, procession routes and houses of Bareilly city have been decorated several days in advance.

Along with this, procession of Muhammadi was started after Maghrib Namaz from near Munna Khan Neem of Tourists of Old City on the occasion of Eid Miladunnabi. This procession was taken out through its traditional routes till midnight. However, some miscreants tried to spoil the atmosphere of the city regarding the roads. But, due to the promptness of the police, the procession was carried out peacefully. The convoy of Prophet’s devotees participating in the procession of Eid Miladunnabi was welcomed with flowers at various places. During this, the city echoed with the slogans of Patti-Patti, Phool-Phool, Ya Rasool or Rasool and the arrival of the government, Marhaba. The children participating in the procession had Islamic messages written in their hands. The message of peace was given in this. Along with this, scholars also organized programs of Quran Khwani and Milad in homes. On Thursday, Muhammadi procession will be taken out from Kohadapir of the city. Anjuman, who was involved in the procession, did not even bring a DJ.

Special day for Muslims of the world

Eid Miladunnabi is a special day for Muslims all over the world. This is a day of happiness. Prophet Muhammad is considered the guide of the world in the Islamic world and the reason for the creation of the world. In this blessed month, Allah had sent Hazrat Muhammad Sahib to bring the world out of the darkness of ignorance. Hazrat Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam came as an example for the whole world. He gave the message of peace. There was no one like him and no one will come forward in the world.

Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

You were born (Yaum-e-Padaish) in 571 AD in Mecca city of Saudi Arabia. This is the third month of Rabi ul Awal according to the Islamic calendar. The festival of Eid Miladunnabi is celebrated to celebrate your arrival in the world. Hazrat Muhammad Sahib founded the religion of Islam. You are the last prophet of Islam, no other prophet will come after you till the Doomsday. The cave in the hill of Mecca, which is called Ghar-e-Hirah, is where Allah gave you the sacred message (same) by sending the chief of angels Jibril (peace be upon him).

Millions of books have been written on your virtue.

Scholars and writers have written millions of books on the life (sheerat) of Hazrat Muhammad Sahib. You were the most ideal person in the world. American historian Dr. Michael H Hart wrote in his book ‘100 Most Influential People in World History’ published in 1978 that there was no person in this world more influential than Prophet Muhammad Saheb (SAW). Not only. 50 lakh copies of this book were sold and it was translated into at least 15 languages. In this book, Dr. Michael H Hart has placed the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (SAW) at the first place.

you forgave even your enemies

Prophet Muhammad Sahib had to face many difficulties while spreading religious light. When this goal was accomplished, even the worst enemies were forgiven. Even those people were forgiven, who martyred (killed) your favorite uncle Hazrat Hamza, mutilated his body (cut off nose, ears) and ripped open his stomach, took out his liver and chewed it.

Report- Muhammad Sajid, Bareilly

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