
Effect of heat in Bihar: More than 100 dead bodies coming daily at Buxar’s crematorium, waiting for hours for last rites

For the last 10 to 15 days, more than 100 dead bodies are being cremated everyday at the Charitravan cremation ground in Buxar. Before May, on an average 25 to 30 dead bodies were cremated everyday at this ghat. As the heat started showing its fierce form, the number of dead bodies coming for the last rites at the cremation ground increased. Now the situation is such that one has to wait for three to four hours for the last rites.

dead bodies are being burnt day and night

Here, due to lack of space, the relatives are forced to keep the dead bodies on the ghat side and wait for their turn. The people who cremated at Muktidham say that on an average, hundred dead bodies are reaching every day. According to them, before the month of May, where 25 to 30 dead bodies used to come here every day for cremation. The same dead bodies are being burnt day and night. The people around also say that the dead bodies are being burnt three times more than before.

115 dead bodies burnt on 15th June

There is also a queue for registration for burning the dead body. The employees of the registration counter told on the condition of anonymity that maximum 115 dead bodies were burnt on June 15. Since then, on an average 100 dead bodies are being cremated every day. Most of the people who came to perform the cremation say that old people are dying due to the extreme heat.

People arriving with dead bodies around six to seven thousand per day

The number of relatives who reach Muktidham to perform the last rites of dead bodies has also reached six to seven thousand these days. According to the information received, after May 15, there was a sudden increase in the death toll. In the month of May, where 50 dead bodies were arriving every day for the last rites, after June 14, the number has reached close to 100 on an average. There has been a sudden increase in the number of dead bodies cremated. While on normal days, 25 to 30 dead bodies were cremated at the cremation ground in 24 hours. After May 14, the number reached close to 50. After that, from June 14, this number has reached between 85 and 100. On June 15, the maximum number of 115 dead bodies were cremated then. About 90 bodies were cremated on June 16, about 98 on June 17 and about 95 on June 18.

The administration called for the registration register

In recent days, the district administration has got the registration register of those who reached Muktidham to perform the last rites. This information was given by the employees who registered at the counter here. When asked about the data for one week, the employee said that the district administration has asked for the register of registration done till Sunday. A new register has been given on Monday. On which the dead bodies arriving here every day are being registered.

cremation wood became expensive

Due to the sudden increase in the number of people who died due to extreme heat and heat stroke, the cost of wood used at the cremation ground has also increased. Due to the burning of more dead bodies than before, the wood has started falling short. Seeing this, the shopkeepers have increased the price of wood. Mango wood which used to be sold for Rs 400 is being sold for Rs 6 to 700. Wood seller Arjun Kumar Gond told that due to shortage of wood at the crematorium, the prices of wood have been increased.

There is no basic facilities at the crematorium

Dom Raja, who lit the dead bodies at the cremation ground, says that due to the extreme heat and heat wave, there is a problem in burning the dead bodies. The dead body of the most elderly person is reaching the cremation ground. Local shopkeepers say that due to the scorching heat and the burning pyre, the risk of hit wave has increased at the cremation ground. Alam is that the people who reach the cremation ground burn the pyre and go away to avoid the heat. There is no arrangement for the people who have reached here to stay. In order to avoid the same heat, people are making the shade of trees and shops as ashrams.

what do the officers say

City Council’s Executive Officer Prem Swaroopam said that an increase in the number of dead bodies is being seen at the crematorium since four days as compared to normal days. He told that in the month of May, around 50 pyres were being burnt at the crematorium. At present this number has reached between 80 and 90. In view of which the facility has been increased at the cremation ground.

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