
Education: Preparation for odd semester examination completed in DDU, identity card not yet issued.

Gorakhpur: Odd semester examinations have already been announced in Deendayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University. But the university administration has not yet issued the identity card of the students. It will be surprising to know that the students of the university identify themselves as students of the university through the receipt of fees. Are being forced to prove. And old students have to make do with their old identity cards only. Since the uproar over AVBP students with the old Vice Chancellor and Registrar of Gorakhpur University, these days a lot of strictness is being taken regarding admission in the university campus. In such a situation, questions are being raised about the cheapness of the university administration regarding the identity card. . In such a situation, when students are being asked for their identity card, first of all they are confused as to how to show something which has not been received. They are forced to show the fee receipt. Students who are not coming to the campus with the receipt of fees. He is finding it very difficult to prove himself as a university student. Along with new students, old students also have to face problems. Those who do not even have old identity cards are facing a lot of problems. There is also discussion in the campus that anarchist elements are taking advantage of this system. Anarchist elements are also taking advantage of the university’s alternative arrangement of showing fee receipts on WhatsApp.

This is the arrangement regarding identity card in the university

There is a system of issuing identity cards every year in Deendayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University. Regular fees are also charged from the students under this item. Last year, when the identity card valid for the entire period of graduation and post-graduation was issued by the university, this question was raised. When fees are charged every year then why is the identity card made for the entire period. Registrar of Gorakhpur University, Professor Shantanu Rastogi said that identity cards will be issued to all the students. An application for this has been made on the JAM portal. Quotations have also been sought from the firms. The system of identity card will soon be back on track.

Report: Kumar Pradeep

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