
Earthquake: Earth shakes from Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan

Earthquake: Earthquake tremors were felt in Pakistan today i.e. on Saturday. National Seismology Center said that the intensity of the earthquake was measured at 4.5 on the Richter scale. Earthquake tremors have been felt in many countries in the last two days. There is panic among the people in Taiwan, America, India and now Pakistan due to earth shaking. Although the intensity of the earthquake in Pakistan was relatively low, hence the possibility of major damage is very less. Earlier today i.e. on Saturday, earthquake tremors were felt in Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. According to the National Seismology Centre, its intensity was estimated at 3.8 on the Richter scale. Earlier on Friday also, earthquakes had occurred in Kishtwar and Doda.

Earthquake occurred twice in a day in Jammu and Kashmir

There was an earthquake in Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir at around 3 pm on Saturday. National Seismology Center said that its intensity was measured at 3.8 on the Richter scale. Earlier on Friday also, earthquake tremors were felt in Kishtwar and Doda of Jammu and Kashmir in the afternoon. The intensity of the earthquake in Kishtwar was measured at 3.2 on the Richter scale. After this, the earth trembled once again due to earthquake in Jammu and Kashmir late on Friday night. The intensity of the earthquake in Kishtwar was estimated at 3.2.

There was an earthquake in America also on Friday

Earthquake tremors were felt in America on Friday. According to the European Mediterranean Seismological Center, earthquake tremors were felt in New York and New Jersey of the US in the morning of American time. The epicenter of the earthquake was 10 km below the ground. Buildings started shaking due to the 5.5 magnitude earthquake that hit America. After which people ran towards the streets to save their lives. The tremors of the earthquake that occurred in New York and New Jersey were also felt inside the United Nations Security Council.

Earth shook in Myanmar too

Let us tell you that earthquake tremors were also felt in Myanmar on Friday. The intensity of the earthquake that occurred here was measured at 5.8 on the Richter scale. The European Mediterranean Seismological Center was quoted as saying that the earthquake was at a depth of 10 km.

Heavy damage due to earthquake in Taiwan

Let us tell you that strong earthquake tremors were felt in Taiwan last Wednesday. An earthquake of 7.3 magnitude has caused considerable devastation in Taiwan. 12 people died due to the earthquake, while hundreds were injured. According to the report, three days after the powerful earthquake in Taiwan, i.e. on Saturday, more than 600 people are still stranded. The earthquake that occurred in Taiwan on Wednesday is considered to be the most powerful earthquake in the last 25 years, due to which many buildings were damaged and many people were trapped in remote areas. At least 12 people died due to this earthquake.

Hundreds of people are still stranded in Taiwan

Many people are buried under the debris after the powerful earthquake that hit Taiwan. More than 600 people, including about 450 trapped in a hotel in Taroko Park, remain stranded in various locations that have been cut off from other places due to rockslides and other damage. It is worth noting that in Taiwan, strict standards are followed regarding the construction of buildings and extensive campaigns are run to provide proper education to people to protect themselves in case of earthquake, due to which despite such a powerful earthquake, there are relatively few casualties. A large number of people died.

Why do earthquakes occur?

We often hear about the devastation caused by earthquakes. But the question is why earthquakes occur again and again. Actually, there are four major layers inside the Earth. These layers are called outer core, inner core, mantle and crust. According to experts, the plates present under the earth are always rotating. There are conflicts between them from time to time. When they collide with each other, vibrations start beneath the earth’s surface. This vibration is called earthquake.

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